and she closed the book with a sigh, her mind reeling from its contents. it was a moderately thick book, bound in velvet indigo ribbons and hugged by thick, hard, black covers; its pages crisp. the book didn't have a title. none of them did. the time would come to give them a title, but this wasn't the time. no, not yet.
she leaned over to flip open the next volume and hesitated.
the previous volume had been full of darkness with rare spots of sunlight. what could the next volume possibly hold in store for her? more darkness? perhaps even death. but there was a slim chance that in this new book, the rays of sunshine would shine brighter and eventually pierce through the darkness that had enshrouded the contents of the previous book. her heart longed for that to happen, but logic kept her grounded.
with great trepidation, she gingerly shifted the book closer to her. instinctively, she shut her eyes. it was as if even her eyes did not dare to discover the contents of the new volume. almost carelessly, her hands, bound by years of flipping, flipped open the cover of the book.
she dared her eyes to open...
Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
take a walk with me...
as i was sorting through my room last week (or was it last last week??), i came across many things i'd nearly forgotten about.
come walk me through my memories...
spot the amy!
spot the amy again!
i know, im such a regular in the papers! *puke* =p
guess what i found!!!
my primary school spelling book!!!
how many of u still have urs?
i still spell this wrong occasionally -_-"
*sigh* i nvr was a good speller...
we looked so geeky!!!
summore with my braces!
(im on the left, cherie is the one with the cam)
we were using one of those old cams which still used film, so we had no idea how the pic wud turn out. lol~
normah, geek, stella, sherly
form 3???
phey feng!
rmbr this!
we went to chin for dancing camp in form 2!
feng on the left n me on the right

man... i miss dancing!
we were supposed to do this for art class, but obviously someone nvr finished hers!
then i uncovered leo mags!
and i saw something very funny!!!
jill, john, zhi yuan, unknown, stella, kiong, ben!

spot the amy!

edine, elsie, pei sze!!!
rmbr this???
omggggg..... why were we so lame!!! hahaha~
for our safety, i destroyed the book!
the stuff inside is too embarassing to ever be seen by any eyes other than ours! for example, for best couples in class, we wrote ourselves with guys of our choice. *dies of embarassment*
a bunny elsie gave me for one of my bdaes!
the 1st set of retainers i owed... and broke.
what happened was, i was eating my breakfast on the way to school, so i put my retainers onto my lap. then when i reached school, i left the car fogetting about my retainers. when i finally remembered about them, i went back to the carpark to find them it crushed by countless cars :(
it cost me $100 to make another pair. and i have been extremely careful with my retainers ever since!
val gave me this!
its soo cool coz...
it lights up and plays music when i pull the plastic tab out!
then when i set it down onto the table, it eventually stops and starts again when i give it a little push!

an watch i used to use!
even now i still think its cute!
or maybe i just like coz of the colour scheme... =p
i discovered i had a farm!
i think val is the main contributor to this farm! haha~
i found beanbags that i made!
ok fine, they're more like rice bags. haha~
i have no idea why i made them so big that i can barely fit them all into my hand, much less play with them.
does anyone else have these?
my sis n i used to have a few. but we lost most of them, this is the only one we have left. its from the centre a bar of soap! the bar of soap was completely transparent and pink!

look edine!
i still have this!
look val!
i still have this too! =p
my longest pair of earrings ever... i bought them from china when i went over for the dance camp in form 2. see.. even the plastic had yellowed so much!
i think i only wore them once coz they're just to long! lol~
then i discovered this:
i wonder what could possibly be inside...
y dont u make a wild guess too!
ok, i shall reveal the contents of the tiny pocket!
the tiniest most shoddily made beanbag ever!
man... i must have been too free... -_-"

i also found this piece of twisted metal...
its a ring!
rmbr those 20cent eggs that they used to sell? and then u crack it open and see what u managed to get?
i think its from one of them!
its a crayon!
free from darlie -_-"
it belonged to my sis... now it can barely stand upright... we used to knock it, trying to get it to fall, how sad that it has become like this...
did any of u have these???
i think their from the eggs too! but slightly costlier... 50cents! haha~
it was so fun playing with their hair!
guess what this is!

we used to have nearly all the alphabets!
it was one of my favourite toys those days... now this is the only one left :(
and thats all... did i trigger any of your memories? ;)
come walk me through my memories...
spot the amy!
spot the amy again!
i know, im such a regular in the papers! *puke* =p
guess what i found!!!
my primary school spelling book!!!
how many of u still have urs?
i still spell this wrong occasionally -_-"
*sigh* i nvr was a good speller...
we looked so geeky!!!
summore with my braces!
(im on the left, cherie is the one with the cam)
we were using one of those old cams which still used film, so we had no idea how the pic wud turn out. lol~
normah, geek, stella, sherly
form 3???
phey feng!
rmbr this!
we went to chin for dancing camp in form 2!
feng on the left n me on the right
man... i miss dancing!
we were supposed to do this for art class, but obviously someone nvr finished hers!
then i uncovered leo mags!
and i saw something very funny!!!
jill, john, zhi yuan, unknown, stella, kiong, ben!
spot the amy!
edine, elsie, pei sze!!!
rmbr this???
omggggg..... why were we so lame!!! hahaha~
for our safety, i destroyed the book!
the stuff inside is too embarassing to ever be seen by any eyes other than ours! for example, for best couples in class, we wrote ourselves with guys of our choice. *dies of embarassment*
a bunny elsie gave me for one of my bdaes!
the 1st set of retainers i owed... and broke.
what happened was, i was eating my breakfast on the way to school, so i put my retainers onto my lap. then when i reached school, i left the car fogetting about my retainers. when i finally remembered about them, i went back to the carpark to find them it crushed by countless cars :(
it cost me $100 to make another pair. and i have been extremely careful with my retainers ever since!
val gave me this!
its soo cool coz...
it lights up and plays music when i pull the plastic tab out!
then when i set it down onto the table, it eventually stops and starts again when i give it a little push!
an watch i used to use!
even now i still think its cute!
or maybe i just like coz of the colour scheme... =p
i discovered i had a farm!
i think val is the main contributor to this farm! haha~
i found beanbags that i made!
ok fine, they're more like rice bags. haha~
i have no idea why i made them so big that i can barely fit them all into my hand, much less play with them.
does anyone else have these?
my sis n i used to have a few. but we lost most of them, this is the only one we have left. its from the centre a bar of soap! the bar of soap was completely transparent and pink!
look edine!
i still have this!
look val!
i still have this too! =p
my longest pair of earrings ever... i bought them from china when i went over for the dance camp in form 2. see.. even the plastic had yellowed so much!
i think i only wore them once coz they're just to long! lol~
then i discovered this:
i wonder what could possibly be inside...
y dont u make a wild guess too!
ok, i shall reveal the contents of the tiny pocket!
the tiniest most shoddily made beanbag ever!
man... i must have been too free... -_-"
i also found this piece of twisted metal...
its a ring!
rmbr those 20cent eggs that they used to sell? and then u crack it open and see what u managed to get?
i think its from one of them!
its a crayon!
free from darlie -_-"
it belonged to my sis... now it can barely stand upright... we used to knock it, trying to get it to fall, how sad that it has become like this...
did any of u have these???
i think their from the eggs too! but slightly costlier... 50cents! haha~
it was so fun playing with their hair!
guess what this is!
we used to have nearly all the alphabets!
it was one of my favourite toys those days... now this is the only one left :(
and thats all... did i trigger any of your memories? ;)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
day 2
sorry for not updating yesterday... i was busy uploading the gazillion pics -_-"
anyways, here's day 2 of my china trip!
err... i dont even know where we were by that point... shenzhen???
spotted outside our hotel:
the saddest looking cone that i have ever seen!
and off we were!
school kids!
i've always wondered about uniforms of kids in countries with 4 seasons... does it always change or do they add stuff on when it gets colder? hmm...

when i was still in school, i fell asleep on every single trip to and back from school!
looking back... we had classes from 7.30am-3.40pm from mondays to fridays... how did we survive???
the tour guide brought us to an obligatory gold shop. i say obligatory because tour guides are required to bring their charges to these sort of tourist spots. its kinda how the tour agencies earn money.
we werent very interested in buying gold and soon exited. cmon la, buy gold for wad, in malaysia u'll only get robbed! better save the money n buy food or clothes instead! =p
another tourist distination!

it was called window of the world.
why? u'll find out soon enough!
Parthenon... or is it pantheon??? (or is it neither? =p)
i always get them mixed up in f5 sejarah -_-"
were u fooled? =p
eiffel tower!

this is an arena for performances and stuff...

err... dun ask me what the sign says...
there were gift shops littered along the way...

if ur eyes are sharp enuf, u'll notice that i camwhored outside a toilet =p

the place was very beautiful... "we walked under the shade of trees"...
*sigh* i always thought that was a romantic phrase =p
we eventually arrived in thailand! (i think)

marred by the effects of the weather...

marred by someone plucking off a lion.
(im merely assuming that it was plucked off)
the details of the structures here were amazing!
on we walked...
so pretty!
its like a postcard pic!

a japanese house renting out kimonos!

stupid ppl... ruin my photo only!
i had to wait till they were gone b4 taking another shot.

they finally moved on, so i cud take this photo! :D
me likes it very much!
err... umbrella too short!

there were ppl everywhere la!
luckily im so used to camwhoring in public places that they didnt bother me much... until they appeared in my pics! rarw!

and thats it!
my only regret was that we didnt have much time, so these shots were taken in a hurry.
i didnt put on any makeup :(
all i had time to do was take off my glasses and borrow my mum's lipstick.
oh well... the natural look works rite? rite??? *convinces self*
i also had to come up with poses as fast as i could so that i didnt waste time. as u can see, it resulted in some very wierd poses -_-"
plus i was wearing all my clothes underneath thats why it looks so bulky. (its not coz im fat ok! nooooo!!!!)
moving on...

mount everest!
then my bro saw this and really wanted to try it...

now we can all play god and walk on water! (no, i didnt mean to be blasphemous. chill!)
but i felt kinda bad coz the others had to wait for me while i geisha camwhored, so i declined but told him he cud still play without me. then he dun wan also. chis!
if it were only my family with us, i wud have gone ahead and played. but one look at the sullen faces of the aunty n uncle with us was enuf to put me off fun and games :(

my kingdom
a sign directing tourists to important places around the world...
toilets are important too ok!
big ben???
sydney harbour bridge with the opera hse behind it

quickly! im in a hurry!
i have important places to go to! like the toilet! =p
a cathedral
leaning tower of *forgot how to spell* pisa and some other building..
sorry, but my geography sucks and this trip happened one too many weeks ago, so i cant rmbr most of these buildings =p
another cathedral??

there were sooo many fishes...
it was actually kinda freaky the way they swarmed over the food...
i'll make u happy!

we'll make u happy!
it looks so romantic!
right out of a fairytale!
wonder if there's a troll under the bridge...
err... i didnt steal those!
someone transplanted the eiffel tower into egypt =p

nigara falls (i have a feeling my spelling is way off...)
throughout the park, there were several shows...

this demo was about a flood...

nigara falls again!
mt rushmore!
anybody watched national treasure yet?
lets find the city of gold!
new york

recognize anything?

purple n pink go so well together!
my wannabe artistic shot!
rumah minangkabau yang belum siap!
jk, i have no idea wad this is supposed to be...

spot the statue of liberty!
egyptian carvings.... or not. *sinister music*
tickets... i shud move these pics to the top, but its late and i relli gotta pee. and i wanna finish this b4 i pee =p
next up was lunch!
dodgy alley!


then we went to another park-like place.

i told u i looked fugly during the china trip!
everyday we woke up at 7am and spent the whole day walking!

oh... high school boys! *perverted grin*
*imitates shrek* donkeh!
u dont have to be a genius to figure out which mask i think is prettiest!

there's more of em!
actors perfoming on the streets!
some disgusting bitter noodles...

why do i look so stumpy??? *sobs*

there were couples everywhere!
it was like a sin to be single in china!
wth... wad happened to ur one child policy huh?

another one of my kingdoms
i like this pic!
its like we're going on an adventure!
like my kingdom?
wondering what those are?
they're my peasants =p

a stall which sold chinese calligraphy
u tell the guy the names of ur family members and he wud make a poem out of it.

miniature great wall
my palace
my warriors!
the contrast of the ancient times and high rise buildings in the background...

my tour guide explained that the sculpture is of a chubby lady coz chubby was considered appealing in those days.
my mum said that the replicas were so realistic coz they even incorporated flaws into them akin to the real ones.
i think the replicas broke after they were put into place there. what do u think?

the grass in china is so much lusher than that in malaysia.
imagine lying on the grass in msia... u'd probably get mud all over u!
click to enlarge if ure interested to know about the shaolin temple

this pic reminds me of the wind and cloud movie...
then off we were to watch a show! (they hold several shows daily)
this one was about how the mongolians conquered china

it was very impressive!
they also had stunts on horses...

child labour! =p
the most annoying walking surface ever!
especially if ure on heels!
we left the place for awhile to get some dinner at a restaurant nearby...

i have no idea why they kept ordering beer at every restaurant... nvm, the bottle is good for camwhoring! =p
we were told that we were extremely lucky to be served prawn coz prawns were scarce in china.
i took this picture coz it looked interesting... its a shopping complex under the glass!
anyways, after dinner, it was back to the place again to watch another show. oh ya, i forgot to mention but b4 dinner we caught another show too! i was really nice with all forms of chinese dances and gorgeuos costumes! (phey feng, jealous? =p)

if i were a guy, i would never be caught wearing that!
heck, i wouldnt be caught wearing that eventho im female!
and thats all the pictures for day 2! :D
anyways, here's day 2 of my china trip!
err... i dont even know where we were by that point... shenzhen???
spotted outside our hotel:
the saddest looking cone that i have ever seen!
and off we were!
school kids!
i've always wondered about uniforms of kids in countries with 4 seasons... does it always change or do they add stuff on when it gets colder? hmm...
when i was still in school, i fell asleep on every single trip to and back from school!
looking back... we had classes from 7.30am-3.40pm from mondays to fridays... how did we survive???
the tour guide brought us to an obligatory gold shop. i say obligatory because tour guides are required to bring their charges to these sort of tourist spots. its kinda how the tour agencies earn money.
we werent very interested in buying gold and soon exited. cmon la, buy gold for wad, in malaysia u'll only get robbed! better save the money n buy food or clothes instead! =p
another tourist distination!
it was called window of the world.
why? u'll find out soon enough!
Parthenon... or is it pantheon??? (or is it neither? =p)
i always get them mixed up in f5 sejarah -_-"
were u fooled? =p
eiffel tower!
this is an arena for performances and stuff...
err... dun ask me what the sign says...
there were gift shops littered along the way...
if ur eyes are sharp enuf, u'll notice that i camwhored outside a toilet =p
the place was very beautiful... "we walked under the shade of trees"...
*sigh* i always thought that was a romantic phrase =p
we eventually arrived in thailand! (i think)
marred by the effects of the weather...
marred by someone plucking off a lion.
(im merely assuming that it was plucked off)
the details of the structures here were amazing!
on we walked...
so pretty!
its like a postcard pic!
a japanese house renting out kimonos!
stupid ppl... ruin my photo only!
i had to wait till they were gone b4 taking another shot.
they finally moved on, so i cud take this photo! :D
me likes it very much!
err... umbrella too short!
there were ppl everywhere la!
luckily im so used to camwhoring in public places that they didnt bother me much... until they appeared in my pics! rarw!
and thats it!
my only regret was that we didnt have much time, so these shots were taken in a hurry.
i didnt put on any makeup :(
all i had time to do was take off my glasses and borrow my mum's lipstick.
oh well... the natural look works rite? rite??? *convinces self*
i also had to come up with poses as fast as i could so that i didnt waste time. as u can see, it resulted in some very wierd poses -_-"
plus i was wearing all my clothes underneath thats why it looks so bulky. (its not coz im fat ok! nooooo!!!!)
moving on...
mount everest!
then my bro saw this and really wanted to try it...
now we can all play god and walk on water! (no, i didnt mean to be blasphemous. chill!)
but i felt kinda bad coz the others had to wait for me while i geisha camwhored, so i declined but told him he cud still play without me. then he dun wan also. chis!
if it were only my family with us, i wud have gone ahead and played. but one look at the sullen faces of the aunty n uncle with us was enuf to put me off fun and games :(
my kingdom
a sign directing tourists to important places around the world...
toilets are important too ok!
big ben???
sydney harbour bridge with the opera hse behind it
quickly! im in a hurry!
i have important places to go to! like the toilet! =p
a cathedral
leaning tower of *forgot how to spell* pisa and some other building..
sorry, but my geography sucks and this trip happened one too many weeks ago, so i cant rmbr most of these buildings =p
another cathedral??
there were sooo many fishes...
it was actually kinda freaky the way they swarmed over the food...
i'll make u happy!
we'll make u happy!
it looks so romantic!
right out of a fairytale!
wonder if there's a troll under the bridge...
err... i didnt steal those!
someone transplanted the eiffel tower into egypt =p
nigara falls (i have a feeling my spelling is way off...)
throughout the park, there were several shows...
this demo was about a flood...
nigara falls again!
mt rushmore!
anybody watched national treasure yet?
lets find the city of gold!
new york
recognize anything?
purple n pink go so well together!
my wannabe artistic shot!
rumah minangkabau yang belum siap!
jk, i have no idea wad this is supposed to be...
spot the statue of liberty!
egyptian carvings.... or not. *sinister music*
tickets... i shud move these pics to the top, but its late and i relli gotta pee. and i wanna finish this b4 i pee =p
next up was lunch!
dodgy alley!
then we went to another park-like place.
i told u i looked fugly during the china trip!
everyday we woke up at 7am and spent the whole day walking!
oh... high school boys! *perverted grin*
*imitates shrek* donkeh!
u dont have to be a genius to figure out which mask i think is prettiest!
there's more of em!
actors perfoming on the streets!
some disgusting bitter noodles...
why do i look so stumpy??? *sobs*
there were couples everywhere!
it was like a sin to be single in china!
wth... wad happened to ur one child policy huh?
another one of my kingdoms
i like this pic!
its like we're going on an adventure!
like my kingdom?
wondering what those are?
they're my peasants =p
a stall which sold chinese calligraphy
u tell the guy the names of ur family members and he wud make a poem out of it.
miniature great wall
my palace
my warriors!
the contrast of the ancient times and high rise buildings in the background...
my tour guide explained that the sculpture is of a chubby lady coz chubby was considered appealing in those days.
my mum said that the replicas were so realistic coz they even incorporated flaws into them akin to the real ones.
i think the replicas broke after they were put into place there. what do u think?
the grass in china is so much lusher than that in malaysia.
imagine lying on the grass in msia... u'd probably get mud all over u!
click to enlarge if ure interested to know about the shaolin temple
this pic reminds me of the wind and cloud movie...
then off we were to watch a show! (they hold several shows daily)
this one was about how the mongolians conquered china
it was very impressive!
they also had stunts on horses...
child labour! =p
*perverted grin again*
the most annoying walking surface ever!
especially if ure on heels!
we left the place for awhile to get some dinner at a restaurant nearby...
i have no idea why they kept ordering beer at every restaurant... nvm, the bottle is good for camwhoring! =p
we were told that we were extremely lucky to be served prawn coz prawns were scarce in china.
i took this picture coz it looked interesting... its a shopping complex under the glass!
anyways, after dinner, it was back to the place again to watch another show. oh ya, i forgot to mention but b4 dinner we caught another show too! i was really nice with all forms of chinese dances and gorgeuos costumes! (phey feng, jealous? =p)
if i were a guy, i would never be caught wearing that!
heck, i wouldnt be caught wearing that eventho im female!
and thats all the pictures for day 2! :D
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