im now studying at kdu... im staying at a house which is 15 mins walk away from the college. sth like 'my place' to carrefour. the house which im staying at is totally empty save for me. there's only one other girl renting it currently, but her course doesnt start till feb so she's not comin till then. im like so extremely lonely... i have no human companionship at home. once college is over, i go home to an empty house. the only kind of communication dat i will have wif the outside world is thru the tv n hp. dis is so incredibly sad! i wish dis area was more like subang where all the shops were juz rite opposite the sch. here, the shops are about 5 mins walk from the college, n 10 mins walk from my house. i dunno wad to do each day after sch... i cant leave the house after 8 coz it'll be dark n i have no1 to walk wif. i've nvr felt so alone in my life. last yr i din feel home sick at all coz i had frens living wif me, then i had charles.... dis yr i have no1. the only frens i have r in college n once classes r over im all alone. i cant emphasize enuf juz how alone i feel... i mite even go into depression over dis. i relli hope sum1 moves in soon. i'll go crazy if i have to endure dis for even a few more weeks. once sum1 moves in i'll be able to have company n also install an internet line. thus i wont be so bored n lonely anymo. i'll even be able to go out n have dinner. dats if the new tenant is frenly...
wad cud have been so wonderful is now so crappy... i had high hopes for dis yr... dat goes to show dat one shud nvr hope for too much :'(
anyway, i havent had any classes yet. the past 3 days have been mainly orientation. gonna start nxt week. i hope everything will turn out all rite in awhile. i have a few ex-classmates from taylors in my class. caroline n firdaus. i dun tok to firdaus n i hope carol n i will be good buddies so dat i have at least sum1 in college dat i can tok to.
i juz found out sth shocking yesterday. i felt soo betrayed by it... i mean i always considered dis person a good fren, n to find out dat dis person actually went around my back last yr telling ppl bad stuff about me n thus making it difficult to make frens last yr.... its relli painful.. i nvr expected him to turn out to be a backstabber after all these yrs dat we were frens. i'll have to be more careful about him...
i guess dats all for now. will probably blog more often if a tenant moves in and i get an internet line.