these pictures were taken on caroline's birthday, on the 21st.
i didnt put them up yet coz i was waiting for some of my more picture filled posts to pass, so i didnt kill soo many bandwidths =p
but there arent many pictures, so enjoy the few that i have ;)
it was meant to be a mini surprise party with wei yee pretending that min yuen n i couldnt make it, but err... min n i kinda spoilt the surprise by venturing out of our hiding place a tad early -_-"
anyways, we celebrated her bdae at itallianies.
stuffed mushroom! i love love love! *melts*
our prettily coloured drinks! i cant for the life of me remember what we ordered.
we also ordered salmon steak and spaghetti. but i was too busy being a glutton to take pics.
we didnt get her a cake, so we got her this instead!
compliments from itallianies i must confess, im a bread pudding freak! =p
my lovelies!
cutting the "cake"
"what? my photoshoot isnt over yet?"
err... *pretends not to know her* =p
group picture!
and another! because i have 2 la! what do u mean why! =p
The thing about love Is i never saw it coming It kinda crept up and took me by surprise And now there’s a voice inside my heart that’s got me wondering Is this true, i want to hear it one more time
Move in a little closer Take it to a whisper Just a little louder
Say it again for me Cuz i love the way it feels when you are telling me that i’m The only one who blows your mind Say it again for me It’s like the whole world stops to listen When you tell me you’re in love Say it again
Thing about you is you know just how to get me You talk about us like there’s no end in sight The thing about me is that i really want to let you Open that door and walk into my life
Move in a little closer Take it to a whisper Just a little louder
Say it again for me Cuz i love the way it feels when you are telling me that i’m The only one who blows your mind Say it again for me It’s like the whole world stops to listen When you tell me you’re in love
And it feels like it’s the first time That anybody's ever brought the sun without the rain And never in my whole life Have I heard words as beautiful as when you say my name
Say it again for me Cuz i love the way it feels when you are telling me that i’m The only one who blows your mind Say it again for me It’s like the whole world stops to listen When you tell me you’re in love Say it again (x9)
not sure if i regret it though. but its part of my past and everything happens for a reason right??
i dont even know how to put this all down into words. this bubbly strange sensation in my head, blocking out all coherent words.
in a way, we watched each other grow.
from high school kids to who we are today.
it hasnt been all that long, but so so much has happened!
he was the one who started it all, in more ways than one.
there was a point in my life which i really wished i never met him, and every time i thought of him, i feel such overwhelming shame to ever had been connected with someone like him.
honestly, he was a mess. he had a kinda screwed up upbringing and was mad at the world.
i had the kind of fairy tale upbringing with parents who absolutely loved me, and still do :D
he couldnt understand my life, i struggled to understand his.
when we split, i wanted nothing to do with him. he accepted all blame and tried to keep the friendship going. i swung from trying to get him back to wanting nothing to do with him at all.
aiyah, the whole thing is just really wierd la! lolz~
and about a year or so ago, we started chatting on msn again. not much, just a few words to greet each other once in a blue moon.
he said his biggest mistake was letting me go (damn right! wtf). i didnt say it, but my biggest mistake was ever accepting him (biggest mistake as regards to him, but nowhere near the biggest mistake of my life)
dont get me wrong, i dont mean my biggest mistake was accepting him because im still bitter and stuff, i mean it was a mistake because we were so so obviously wrong for each other and it also very obviously would not last.
but i abide by certain things in life and although these semi-rules that i've made for myself often end up in me hurting, i cant say i regret it because it was my own choice. (which btw is also one of those semi-rules. i dont allow myself to regret my own choices. sure i'll hurt like hell most of the time, but life is an experience :D)
the semi-rule that applied here (and in many other excruciatingly painful moments in my life) is that its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. i mean heck, at least i tried right? i wont be living the rest of my life wondering "what if".
but i think these semi-rules are a product of watching and reading too many "inspirational" movies and books. wtf
im kinda getting off track arent i? from talking about that guy to talking about myself. its always about me isnt it? wtf
anyway, i was reading his blog just now and i was struck by how much he's grown. and as a fren, i feel kinda proud of him :D
he has a gf now and i really sincerely hope he's happy. he deserves it.
about a week ago, i received an email from nuffnang, it was an invite to a press launch at celebrity fitness, 1 utama.
all it said was: "there is an urban legend which talks of a man so intoxicatingly charming that he can ignite the fire within even the most masculine woman. he was said to ignite the fire within her to dance for him... even up on a fireman's pole. so what was his dark secret?"
intriguing isnt it? i had no idea what the event would be about and looked forward to finding out.
unfortunately, i arrived late and was only able to hear the last part of the speeches :(
however, i did find out what that dark secret was...
clorets dark secret -_______-"
anyways, like i said, i arrived late, so i dont really know what went on before i arrived and what points were highlighted.
but i did gather that the main point of the press launch was to promote the website
do click on the link above to visit the site.
basically, the site was set up for an amateur pole dancing competition. to enter, 1st u need a pole. then you should put on some comfortable exercise clothes. next, choose a dance routine from the six routines available at the website. then create a 40sec video and submit it to
thats it! then you're well on your way to winning $5000 and a years membership at celebrity fitness ;)
some other things u may find at the site are dating tips (under the link "turn it on"), dance tips and also a voucher for a free pole dancing lesson :D plus, u may also get to know where the pole dancers will be performing in the coming days.
the main sponsors for this event are viva vertical, celebrity fitness and ruums kl :)
ok, enough serious stuff! on to the pics!
like i said, i was late, so i was standing wayyyy at the back. it was really tough to get a decent shot of the stars.
after the speeches and everything, it was photo-taking time!
everyone clamored to the front in order to get a good shot.
i felt so paiseh to go jostle with the others to take pictures coz they were all using bigshot dslrs while i was using a 6.0megapixel digicam, hence the bad angle -_-"
the 2 small sized ladies in front are the pole dancing instructors from "viva vertical"
i heard that they performed earlier, but i missed it :(
2 lucky ppl popped into the pic! (sorry, i have no idea who they are, pls enlighten me)
i felt more comfortable with a fellow blogger like kenny.
the other media ppl kept looking at me funny... (what? never seen a beautiful girl before? wtf) maybe it was because i was dressed so casually and they were dressed up rather formally. oh wells, note to self, wear smart looking outfits next time!
see... they look like they just came from their respective offices. wait, maybe they did =p
there were a lot of people present, the latecomers had to stand during the speeches.
they had 2 laptops for us to check out the website
free clorets!
i only took one packet. i was planning on acting casual and popping one into my purse at intervals of time, so that my greediness would not be so evident, but after i got talking to some ppl, i totally forgot about my plan. so i ended up with only one packet.
random picture spot the laughing hannah tan!
lucky kenny!
pietro (i think thats his name) was being asked questions by journalists, so i didnt ask him for a picture.
but i did get a picture with hannah tan!!!
and another!
and another! wtf LOL!
yes, i know they all look the same. but if i have 3 pictures with hannah tan, u can bet im gonna freaking put THREE up!
she's amazingly friendly, she shook my hand and asked for my name then gave me hers. (like anyone in the room didnt know who she was! all the males couldnt take their eyes off her! yes, that includes shaun T.T) then she introduced her pretty colleague and asked her to help write down my url. wooooottt!!!
throughout the whole event, she was smiling and talking to everyone in a very down-to-earth manner. i likey her already!
this dude tried out the pole and managed to pull off a neat stunt!
this is emily aka luscious lola she's very friendly too! she gave me her name card and im seriously considering taking up some lessons. anyone else interested?
does this look familiar to anyone? this ladies and gentlemen, is called be deen/ bidin
its a kind of vegetable found in certain areas of the world only and sarawak is lucky enough to be one of those places :D
honestly though, its really a kind of fern. a very delicious one though =p
i love it fried in red wine *slurps*
ok, that was a really random picture. lolz~ the following pictures were taken one night when i went out with bernie, chris n jason. triple date. wtf
no la, just that the rest of the girls couldnt make it -_-" my newly rebonded hair. its kinda oily coz ure not suppsed to wash it till 3 days after the rebonding, and this was the 2nd day.
i was still trying to get used to my hair, hence the camwhoring.
that's jason on the right we ate at atmosfera, its a new eatery in kuching.
the food took forever and a day to arrive
no prizes for guessing who this is! wtf
my tomato kueh tiaw
btw, if any of you are looking for a new place in kuching to eat, do NOT go to atmosfera. its blardy expensive, the portions are small, the food is so bad that its inedible, and the service sucks!
my kueh tiaw tasted like it was drowned in hp sauce. hello, its TOMATO kueh tiaw, not hp sauce kueh tiaw! -_____- if u normally eat with me, u'll know i always try to polish off my plate. but this was soo bad that i could only go so far as half the plate, then i had to admit defeat. i felt so sayang seeing all the food go to waste (actually i felt more sorry for the money that i was wasting) :(
after dinner, we crossed the road to "the spring".
we went there to try out some dessert place, but they only served ice-cream, so went left and went to good old "bing" :D
jason n bernie sharing a gay moment. wtf whoops, the flash was a tad bright =p
my brownie!
yes la, i know its practically tradition for me to take at least one picture of a brownie from bing everytime i go back -_-"
after dessert, we were still not satisfied with our gluttony, so we went to this so called "secret shop" recommended by bernie =p
it was a kolo mee stall
my kolo mee and i
haihhhh... eat so much food! no wonder la i gained a whole kg when i went back! chis!
but i wasnt such a big glutton ok, i shared half the kolo mee with chris! (as if that made a huge difference -_-")
ok, now back to random pictures!
guess what was found in the backyard of my house!
.. .
a centipede! damn huge and black i tell u!
summore the night before, i was walking around barefoot in that area, in the dark, because i showered late and was dumping my clothes into the laundry bag.
what a close call! *shivers*
did u just lose your appetite?
here lemme help u regain it: kolo mee!
nah closeup summore! with cha siow yu (cha siew oil), my favourite!
then on another night, i went out with edine n adrian :)
adrian i looked very very crappy, so i cropped myself out =p
open air siow bee!!!
no pictures of edine coz she's a sardine. wtf
and on another separate occasion, i went out with edine n feng! feng, i missed u! (who cares about edine)
the-unfortunate-camera holder, feng n edine
i was so hating rebonded hair...
u know i once swore that i would NEVER straighten my hair (rebonding not straighten wad! *tries to give excuse*), but look what happened -_-" anyhows, i did it on a whim and i guess im kinda getting used to it now. its not so bad afterall :) but i do still prefer my natural hair that actually had LIFE in it =p