thanks to joshua, yatz, steph, nicholas and nuffnang, a few of us DGMB-ians managed to secure some tickets :D
so here's the lineup that night:
that evening, we met up at a mamak for dinner b4 the event.
joshua, david, kel li and i
kel li, me, nigel n sheng mae
look at the invite!
it looks like a cd right?
u have no idea how many of us thought it really was a cd -_-"
after dinner, we rushed to the event.
there were already so many ppl there.
"shake it, shake it like a polaroid picture!"
it was soo cool with sexy ladies in black holding polariods and snapping pictures for guests.
here's the non-polaroid version
i likey this picture! thanks aaron! (it was u right? =p)
aaron, y u look at me like that?? *glare*
stella says i look like im having a seizure in this picture T.T
after camwhoring soo much with the polaroids that we felt too paiseh to ask the sexy ladies to help us take any more photos, we went into the *insert suitable word* (i'd say "hall" but it wasnt exactly a hall. and its way bigger than "room")
this picture makes it look like the place was so dark, but it wasnt really. it was dimly lit, the way some restaurants are.
henessy miami was for media.
we were placed here! im media! wtf
i think shanghai was for business ppl.
i dunno who was paris for.
no, actually, paris was meant for you and me. wtf
and so the party started...
me, kelz, sher, sheng mae
the two gorgeous girls working at blu inc.
me, sheng mae, adeline, kelz and hsu jen
the boys being boys -_-"
stanley, david, nigel
aaron, sheng mae, nigel n joshua
half-of-kate, jan, hsu jen, kelz, sheng mae n i!
i must tell u how much i hate kelz, just look at her flat, flat tummy. dont u hate her too already? =p
joshua n i
i think i was feeling tipsy by this point.
ok, im knackered!
me, wilson n peiman
with simon seow
jan, kate n a very tipsy person
david is such a camwhore! a girls-only pic also he wanna poke his head in =p
its that tummy again! *hates her* *bitter*
here's a look at the crowd
oh ya, my sis downloaded some photoshop thing into her laptop, so i used it to photoshop some of the pics. im very noob and i think it shows T.T
anyway, u guys see if u can tell which photos are photoshopped la.
the photoshop software was a trial thing. so it expires soon. im not sure if i wanna download the thing too. coz i find it all to be too much effort. especially with the amount of pics i post up -_-"
big crowd
haha... hsu jen looks so happily drunk here!
i put this pic up coz my arms looked graceful here.
they look graceful to ME anyway. and i didnt photoshop them ok! (not in this pic la =p)
pei man is nice to dance with :)
yes, u guessed it right.
i am obsessed with her flat tummy.
hmm... i wonder if this pic was photoshopped.
im sorry la stranger who got photoshopped away. but i dunno u! plus i like this pic of john and i.
MDG girls adeline n fiqa were there too!
when i watched MDG (i only watched until ep3 or something) i thought fiqa was ok only. but after seeing her in person, im blown away by her prettiness!
we left the event kinda early at 1am.
everyone was high on alcohol, so there was a gang fight.
poor kelz was pushed to the floor by randy!
LOL! no la, everyone was just sitting around, chatting and waiting for joshua =p
to end the night, we had supper at murni!
oh ya, i must commend the organizers for their thoughtfulness of providing mineral water after the event. it was a lifesaver to many an alcohol infused kidney =p