today, a customer came to the till with 3 cups of soft drinks. she asked if the drinks were refillable. i told her yes. she then told me that 2 of the cups were for the same daughter and she wanted me to charge her for only 2 cups. i told her that we charge each cup taken as one cup. she then loudly exclaimed "dont be silly!"
i then took all the cups and splashed them onto her face one by one and said "actually, now they're all free of charge, how much more would you like?"
obviously i didnt do that. i just bit my tongue and let her have her way because it was harrods and she was a gold tier rewards card holder.
ugh! obviously she was the one being unreasonable, but nooooo i was the one being silly. geez! so ridiculous! if she only wanted to pay for 2 cups, then return one cup la, its refillable anyway! *rolls eyes*
then there was a another rude family. see, the way the cafe i work at works is that for the hot food, the customer orders at the hot food till, then they will be given a number. the customer then takes the number and orders drinks (if they wish)at another counter and pay for it all at the last till. simple right? oh and each number given is entered as a table in the till.
so i was at the till again and this family of 4 came to me with 2 numbers. i explained that i had to do the numbers separately because they opened separate tables within the till and tables could not be combined on the till. meaning that they had to pay for one table 1st then the next table 2nd.
this obviously doesnt trouble them much at all as all they have to do is pay each amount as i tell it to them. if it troubled anyone, it would be troubling ME as i had to key in their drinks order, tell them the price, take their money, give them change and their receipt, and do it all over again (doesnt sound like much, but it all takes time and when there's a queue you dont wanna keep others waiting too long) - i would have only needed to do this once if they had ordered together and gotten only one number.
but the idiot father who was paying tried to insist i put the tables together and when i told him i couldnt, he said "this is a very stupid way of doing things!"
hellooooo... if u wanna pay for everything together then order together la! why you go and take separate numbers! its common sense to order together if you're paying together! dumbass.
but i had to bite my tongue again and act apologetic. ugh.
normally these fools dont get to me, but like i said, today was a generally crap day and i'm having my period, so its a contributory factor.
working again tomorrow from 11-8pm. my last working day is on the 7th, cant wait!
i was so upset, i went onto asos and tried to do some retail therapy and ended up with a shopping cart worth GBP115! and mum, before you panic, i did not hit the buy button. i managed to cut it down to GBP40 and saved the remaining items, to pay for when i've done my visa stuff and can touch the money i have in the bank. see... so sensible! *proud*
oh and there was one day when i was working (11am-8pm), i was asked if i would cover an event that evening in the store after my shift (8pm-11pm). i was uncertain if i should take it coz i'd obviously be exhausted by then, but i figured what the heck, its just another 3 hours and they were paying GBP12/hr -its nearly twice my normal wage per hour! so i took it. unfortunately i didnt get to see any celebs (i was hoping to see jennifer aniston coz she was coming to the store the next day to launch her perfume), but i guess the pay itself was incentive enough. my arms were dying by the end of the night though, coz we had to carry huge heavy plates of hors d'oeuvres for 2 hours straight, circulating the room, a plate of food in one hand, a plate of tissues in the other, and we couldnt put them down to rest our arms (duh, if not it'd look so un-posh. lol). imagine trying to gracefully extend a plate to a patron when your arm muscles are cramping and screaming in protest. i have a new found respect for banqueting staff.
and since we're on the topic of waitressing stuff, here's a "welcome to my restaurant" pic.
and no, thats not my uniform -_-"
its from the set of studio pics i mentioned before.