last sat i went to ming yuen's hse party. but b4 dat i had class n then i also did my laundry. so i was feeling pretty tired b4 the party even started. anyway, i still 'prettied up' to go to the party (not many occasions to actually wear a skirt here - i cant wear a skirt to class coz i walk damn far to college.) here r the pics i took dat day.
i was waiting for the taxi coz i was gonna meet my frens in 1u then MY was gonna send us to her hse.
me, wearing the necklace n earrings dat charles sent to me all the way from aussie. (cue: aww....)
me, trying a diff pose coz my sis says i always stick my tongue out when i cam whore. =p
jia xin (JX), wei yee(WY) n i in the car. carole was in front wif MY. i look so crappy in dis photo. *sigh*
JX, carole n i
muahaha~ i did it last min so she cudnt aviod it.
( clockwise from the top left) MY, me, WY, Carole n JX
serene playing the grand piano. yes, MY has a GRAND, not baby grand piano.
WY n i pretending to play
carole n wy pretending they actually noe how to play chinese chess. jx looks like she's posing but she's not. haha~
me, wy, carole, serene, jeannie, florence, alif, my, jx.
alif was the only guy dat made it to the party, the rest went back to their hometowns n stuff. poor alif was teased all nite by us girls
btw, u can see in the background how big my's hse is dat it cud fit in so many tables outside.
ppl n food
err... flo posing
from a diff angle. dis time its alif posing
group pic wifout flash
playing around in MY's room
uber posers
my's cuzzie who also happened to be named wei yee. btw florence chinese name is also wei yee. i nvr knew it's such a common name!
pretending to run
nice legs...
wannabe cool. haha~
line-up of beauties =p
getting ready to jump (my's garden is so lovely at nite, its even got a fountain! but its behind us)
my frens playing either mahjong or the piano. i was juz shutter happy since i played neither
still playing
even my's bro's frens started playing
damn pro la them!
well, dat all the pics!
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