i was on the road alot today... pik khee picked me up at 10am. jia xin was already in the car.

we went on a long long long road trip...

luckily, she had loads of nice songs to listen to. the one in the pic r love songs, but she had disney songs too! dun u juz love disney songs???
we went to...


dis is wad i bought there. its a bdae pressie for my classmate.

see... dis is wad it looks like inside. more pics of dis ltr!
it turns out dat the person we were there to pick up was at the lcct instead. -_-" so we went to lcct n picked her up.

carole! the person we went all the way to the airport for!
after dat, we went to klang to pick up caroline, then we went to taman gong for seafood.

see the greedy ppl... there were only 5 of us, but we ordered 8 dishes!

i ate all these! the stomach parts only la... not the whole crab! 6 of em! i asked the rest if they wanted but nobody wanted so i sapu all! =p

this is the sweet n spicy crab. err... i only rmbred to take a pic of it when we were half-way thru, so there's not much left. haha~

dis is the pepper crab.
lunch was sooooo yummy!!! we all felt so bloated after dat. rite now its nearly 12am n i havent eaten since then but im still not relli hungry. which goes to show how full i was!
after lunch, we dropped caroline n carole off then went to min yuen's hse to do our presentation.

they were supposed to do the speech n i was to present it, but in the end they din do anything. only i did sth. wad did i do?
i did dis...

rmrbr the pressie? i did dis!

still not yet done...
3 hrs ltr.... (its not as easy as it looks esp if u wan it nice)

done! so very pretty rite???

i did the case too! not only the cover. so absolutely gorgeous! im so proud of myself! *grins*

ta da!!!