in the end, i had 4 packed boxes! where did the 4th pop up from? its my printer box, i packed it last yr but havent unpacked it to use dis yr so its still in its box. =p
1+1= 2!!! or maybe it equals to a window! (lameeee!)
dis is my container box!
my printer box!
i have 4 boxes packed yet i still have loads more to pack!
my desk area
my shelves... note the containers on the shelf? these r the one dat i din manage to fit into the box.
my dressing table. yes, i do noe dat its messy. so? =p
my closets still full of clothes n stuff...
*sigh* looks like i've got loads more packing to do n i've barely started on my things in the kitchen.
anyway, after my initial packing frenzy, i took a shower n wasted some time on9 b4 cooking dinner. i cooked sth yummilicious today!!!!!!
cant see?
its chicken! (ok, i dun tink it looks very nice in the pic but it was relli relli good!)
here's a closeup!
ta da~~! chicken marinated wif dark soy sauce, worchestershire sauce n my fave.... generous helpings of honey!!! stewed to tender perfection.... *yum yum!*
yay~ thanx!
it WAS yummy! =p
juz marinate chicken wif dark soy sauce,worchestershire sauce n honey then fry it wif onions n garlic.
OR u cud ask someone u live wif to do it for u. ;)
i mean since ure so "close" =p
haha... he can la! he's juz pretending! =p
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