we got a keyboard (house), mouse (me), hard drive (mum), laptop fan (dad) and laptop (dad).
im loving the keyboard. its a lovely white with soft soft laptop-like keys :D
click here to read about it if ure extremely kepoh. haha~
but the one in the pic on that site is black. mine is white. which makes it soo much nicer =p
and this is my new mouse!
nice nice?
it was originally $29, but the guy said he would sell it to me for $25. (and i hadnt even asked him for a discount yet! hehe~)
then i asked him for a discount and he told me he couldnt reduce the price anymore coz he was only making a $1 profit off me. lol!
i got the powder pink one, although the blue seems more striking. but i still chose the pink one in the end =p
i would prefer the pink to be a brighter shade though.
and the feel of the mouse is so so nice! coz its got a sort of powdery velvety-ish texture. *happy happy*
umm... not that i've tried out the mouse much yet though.
the scroll button of my previous mouse died on me eons ago, but i nvr got around to buying myself a new one. no particular reason why. it was more like a mix of stinginess and forgetfulness.
u choose pink?? ewww....
didn't get wireless router?
resh: whatever! =p
simon seow: we already had one, but sth was wrong with it so my dad sent it to be repaired.
Woo.. i think i need a new mouse... my less than a year mighty mouse let me use until koyak liao the track ball. WAHAHAHA.. but dem expensive wei..
Anyways, i see your events and outings also I get tired liao. wahaha. what to do.. old man liao mah.. keke
have fun!!
wah, so cool your mouse got trackball wan! such an expensive mouse surely got warranty one right?
haha... i havent posted much on my recent outings ler... lol!
u have fun too!
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