i left it on the counter as my housemates also store some of their stuff on the counter and my cupboards couldnt fit it.
my english hsemates keep their stuff in the left corner nxt to the microwave.
i kept my box of cereal behind the toaster and left it there for some time as it only expires nxt year and i had other stuff to finish before then. i bought the cereal only for days which i was lazy to cook.
then yesterday, feeling ravenous, i wanted a quick fix. nothing faster than cereal! but the whole damned box was GONE! wth!
i was so perplexed and pissed off. dah-lah im hungry, now my food has been stolen and i have nothing to eat! in the end, i had left-over chicken soup -_-
then today, i opened everyones cupboards to find it, and lo and behold, i found the empty box in the cupboard nxt to mine! which belongs to the girl in the room nxt to mine! summore when i asked her yesterday whether she saw my cereal, she said "no" like super selamba liddat!
celaka betul. she's been giving me sour looks ever since i asked her to turn down the volume in her room or wear headphones -because the girls go clubbing every wednesday night and she plays clubbing music damn loud as she's getting ready. i dont mind the music so much as i mind the bass which literally makes my walls shake! and i told her super nicely too!
now, she turns out to be a food-stealer. no wonder she's the chubbiest girl in the flat. wtf
but im sort of glad its her and not some other girl, coz i kinda like the other girls and wouldnt wanna start disliking and being wary of them.
haiyah, from now on, the food which cant fit into my cupboards, i gotta start storing in my room.
i did think of confronting her, but in the end i thought it would be useless because i had no hard evidence (she could have just happened to buy the same cereal) and i'd still have to continue living with her till nxt sept.
*sigh* im so disappointed, i thought all the girls in my flat were the nice, dun-steal-stuff kind. manatahu... :(
oh wells, at least its just cereal and not a wallet! *touches wood*
poor thing...its a hall gurl...NEVER EVER leave your stuff out everyone will steal it -__-'' its always what my frens bitch about when they are here they even name every single egg in the egg carton just to make sure and still get stolen coz they have to share fridge and somehow...even the egg shell cannot find! O_O! destroyed evidence!
HAHAHA! evil stealers!
i think im gonna steal her food nxt time... hmm... =p
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