i was so happy when i saw it outside my door when i got home from work :D
so i ripped it open as soon as i could!
(no la, i didnt rip the wrapping paper, its so pretty, how could i rip it?? instead i saved it. dont ask me why, i tend to keep nice shopping bags too. wtf)
but when i opened it...
cocktails and party drinks???
secret santa, what do u think i am???
an alcoholic?
a drunkard?
the present even came with a panjang lebar letter.
but from the letter and my supreme deduction skills, i have deduced who my secret santa is!
its ron!!!
u purposely used web log instead of blog just to make me think it wasnt a blogger huh?
eh, only if u read blogs then u would know about my partying lor... and if u read blogs, u wont be kuno enuf to say "web log".
and of the ppl in the exchange, very few would have written the way u did. and of those other suspects, i already know who they gave their presents to! muahaha!!!
am i smart or am i brilliant! =p
and the malaysian stamps were a hint too. lol!
so thanks ron! i'll definitely find an occasion to make use of the book! and when i do, i'll make sure ure there and drink the 1st shabbily made shot! =p
This is ridiculous!
hahaha - we should make a rule not to ask people who their secret santa is for next year! :D
Hey as organisers u should ask everyone to show what they got for Secret Santa and put the pics on ur blog ;)
PANJANG and LEBAR = ME? hahahah What gave it away? :P
Looking forward to drinking some cocktails... Try making Cozmopolitan (slushed ice with midori and I think vodka and lime juice!) - there ya go, another Caranthir's Kitchen idea.. ;)
ohh... thats a good idea! i did think of it too... but was lazy. but since u asked, i'll ask! see if everyone replies. coz i know there's lotsa lazy ppl out there! =p
ur rambling gave ut away! =p
haha... as if caranthir kitchen is already a trademark. =p
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