we celebrated jeannie's birthday on 1st may but her real birthday was on 9th may which was too close to the exams.
i twisted my hair into 2 chun li buns in hopes that they would turn into nice curls after i slept in them.
laugh not at the buns, they work!
the birthday girl was tricked into coming to her surprise birthday party.
everyone ffk-ed her that day and lit fwu brought her blind folded to the restaurant on the pretext that he had a crush on her and wanted to bring her to a romantic picnic or something. wtf
ignore the huge random curl...
min yuen n i
wei yee, jeannie, me , josie's bf (i forgot his name), josie, min
glasses are useful props when bored
atas restaurants dont like to serve tap water because its free, so when u ask for tap water, they give u atas water in bottles then charge u for it.
jeannie with the guys
the pout
photo potong-steamed by firdaus
firdaus' new specs. if u look at the photo before this, wei yee was wearing them.
sexy secretary. wtf
i have no idea y we all took turns wearing the specs... as if it was soo nice. lol
the girls with jeannie + 2 sesat guys
the ambience
btw, the name of the restaurant is prezzo
opening wei yee n min's present to her.
a jasper conrad clutch!
twin to the one min bought for herself ;)
and here come the dishes! (no captions coz i cant remember them anymore, but they were all damn good. bernie! now i know which new place to bring u to!)
super creamy n cheesie! yums!
this was my king prawn risotto
Tiger prawns and petit pois in a creamy saffron sauce
ohhh i think this was the mushroom risotto. damn good also
i felt abit jelak towards the end, but it was soo good, i forced it all down. wtf
jon was trying to copy my pose i think.
dessert time!
random photo... the guys were playing some kinda game they called black magic.
it involved "reading each other's mind" but there was a trick to it la. there always is :S
just to show how pudgy my nose is and how round my face is :(
A smooth rich cheesecake blended and
topped with crunchy honeycomb pieces
coated in chocolate
A moist dark chocolate sponge filled and topped
with a luxurious layer of milk chocolate fudge
finished with crushed chocolate brownie and
served with vanilla ice cream
birthday girl and i
her hair is damn thick *jealous*
the difference in photo quality means this was taken by someones camera
jeannie looks so excited here! LOLOLOL
after dinner, jeannie, min n wei yee came over to my flat to get jeannie dressed up to go clubbing.
camwhoring at my flat
i super love my new denim coat from miss sixty that i bought on ebay for less than 20 pounds :D
all of those who went (minus hua jie n susan)
waiting at the bus stop
@ bridge
min, susan, me, wei yee, jeannie (in my top that she still hasnt returned. *cough cough* =p)
customary post clubbing pic.
and thats all folks!
omg...that penne pasta with cilli thingy looks sooo damn good...my cup of tay lolol but ure risotto sounds so enticing with its saffron sauce walau eh...y does it seem like oxford has got so many places to eat at wan
all the food is damn good. wait till u taste it! =p
coz oxford rocks la duhhhhh =p
haha dessert~! =P yum yum
you going back mid year?
yummmmmm! lol~
probably in august. hopefully i'll be back by july though!
i am LOVIN your random curl LOL
and btw your outfit ah...
does it remind u of ur own hair? =p
wad wad? too skanky? lol
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