guess where im off to!
and after that, im jetting to do as robert langdon did in 'angels and demons'.
more the "rushing around" than the "saving dying holy people" though.

alot of people have told me how great rome is, but im really more excited about venice. all those gorgeous masks! and lace!
what is there in rome besides old buildings anyway (i dont mean this in an offensive way, i mean it in a truly ignorant way)?? any idea where i should visit?
i told u rome is damn bloody super freaking hot in summer leh. even if u r dying from heat walking on the streets, u better wear long pants n no sleeveless shirt if u want to go inside the st peter's basilica in vatican city. or at least bring a scarf to cover ur legs or they won't let u in. bring umbrella coz the sun damn hot. refer to my italy post 1 yr ago.
yes maam!
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