dont they look like dolls?
this was from the beijing olympics.
i used to hate Chinese dance, but i eventually got the hang of it and have since loved it. the lovely costumes and the richness of the culture! i love the way the contortions of the body are highlighted and the beauty of the human form emphasized upon.

i cant believe that there was a time when i was hesitant about doing this.
thank god for feng's persuasive power. lol!
i've always wanted to do this dance ever since i 1st saw glimpses of my teacher performing.
i still attach alot of wonder and beauty to this dance.
just look at the angles and the grace a single picture conveys...
i miss performing... eh, remind me again why am i studying my ass off when i can dance and train to have a to-die-for body???
oh ya, i lack talent. wtf
I rarely read blogs but I came upon this lol. I miss it so much too!!! I found a proper ballet school in Carlisle last week and have been attending lessons. I can't do most things now and am like a hippotamous! And when we were doing diagonal turns, pointe sotunus? I almost collided with them all and i ended in the wrong corner of the room lol so embarrassing. But I really do wish we were still dancing and performing xx
i have no time/money to go for ballet classes in london T_T
thanks for calling me the other day! i love u long time =p
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