ok, so i havent posted any pics of my new place, so one of the 1st things i did was to transfer pics from my phone to flickr. and in doing so, i discovered half a zillion old pictures that i'd nearly all but forgotten.
so from a couple of selected pictures, i'll sum up my year ;)
ok, so i kinda lied. this was recently transferred from my mum's phone and taken circa 2006.
it me, chump n cherie.
chump has no eyes!
do we look alike?
this was taken early 2007. i was bored and snapped a photo of myself on my mum's phone n was surprised to see how anorexic (and boobless) i looked, so i took more!
alas, i was 48kg then and have since gained about 5kg :(
CNY 2008
and finally we come to this year's pics.
blue monday @ sushi king.
witness my gluttony!
nah, i didnt eat all that alone!
this was the worst batch of bread ever!
subway was a huge part of my life for some time.
for awhile, it seemed like all i ever did was go to work and go home.
and that's thali's arm.
i loved the people there, it almost made up for the pitiful salary. almost.
my trip to manchester!
where bernie allowed me to ride his bike and i nearly got myself killed several times.
eye of manchester.
this was my phone's wallpaper for some time.
the stupid "michelin starred british food restaurant".
please remind me about this incident the next time bernie suggests a place to eat...
in this picture, i was trying on a pair of high waisted shorts but wasnt sure about them.
i ended up not buying them coz i decided i couldnt pull it off.
yes, i was very much into knee high socks for a time.
(i miss my long hair T_T)
giving high waisted shorts another shot.
and i do quite regret not buying them T_T
my 1st ever cap!
im not a hat person, so when i found a cap that fit me, i was soo happy, i bought it immediately. only to have friends tell me that the hat was still too big for me T_T
oh the sorrows of a small head.
(i miss my long hair T_T)
this was when it was summer.
i didnt think it was gonna be cold, so i just wore the cardigan n skirt out. it got really chilly, so i pulled my scarf out and got laughed at again because my whole outfit just looked wierd. like my top half was in winter and my bottom half was in summer. T_T
why do i always get laughed at T__T
exam time!
and then graduation
one of the biggest roses i have ever seen!
jeannie's birthday
(i wonder how many of u have noticed by now that my chronology is shit)
have i mentioned how much i miss my long hair? i miss my long hair.
@ anson's birthday
and thats anson with a very chubby me.
48kg, where did u go!
my brief addiction to ebay.
taken last month when kiong, stella and i decided to take a night stroll around london
lets all laugh at kiong's beggar shirt, that he's very proud of coz his nipples can be seen. wtf
not to mention that knowing kiong, his shirt prolly cost a bomb.
my phone's wallpaper is now of the london eye. sans people of course.
and finally we've reached the pictures of my new room.
view from the doorway.
according to jo, it looks like i've lived here all my life.
but i've only been here a month =p
my cupboard and table.
maybe i'll post up pics of the kitchen next time :)
ur room nice leh :D and got 1 pic u look so cute =p finally got ur internet <3
no more barging into my room? T.T x1000
eXtENd: lol. thanks!
jo: hmm... its now 3.15am... im considering barging into your room since u have no lock... muahahaa
AMY, thanxxx. boy i love how i look in that photo....u know the one which i personally asked u not to put up! cis...berDEBAH
really? i totally forgot. sorry!
so u want me to take it down? no point by now though =p
i honestly thought it was one of the nicer pics of u though.
lol doesnt matter now. the whole worlds prolly seen it edi. congratz, u finally have internet. cyz online :P
haha... i thought so too =p
see ya!
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