i was walking to bayswater when i saw this van/truck.
ok, am i the only one who thinks this is funny?
my first ever attempt at making tamago! (val, stop laughing at me T_T i know you are wayyy more pro.)
btw for those of you who dont know what tamago is, its japanese egg ommelete. the yellow sweet thing usually wrapped on top of sushi.
its no beauty queen, but it being my first attempt and using a round saucepan instead of a rectangular one like you're supposed to, i'd say this is pretty good! =p
i mentioned awhile back that i was bringing bentos to college, and this is one of them!
the only bento i ever took a picture of actually.
summore got tauhu hidden!
so super derduperly healthy right!
speaking of healthy, im in the midst of a bet! if i win i get an itouch/ sponsored half the price of an iphone. if i lose, then i just dont get it la. haha...
the bet is that i have to lose weight till i weigh 48kg by april! something i've been trying to do anyway (not with this time line, but the sooner the better!).
the stakes of the bet speaks volumes of how confident the person is about me losing T___T
i love staying next to paddington station! not only because its soo convenient, but also because interesting things happen there!
once in awhile we get people doing demonstrations such as this one.
summore got the cement mixer thing! so realistic!
can you guess what they're doing?
they're demonstrating against fake medicine (duh!).
randall and aubin.
best seafood place i've been to in london!
(and possibly ONLY seafood place. but lets not detract from how great it is ok?)
i had been craving seafood, so after an intensive scan of online reccommendations and reviews, i chose this one. and no regrets!
free bread and olives... or so you think, until you see the bill.
view from the window.
the restaurant is located in soho btw.
for a good long minute i thought that the sign said soho books. then thought to myself that it didnt look like much of a bookstore what with bondage-ish mannequins on display (you cant see it from this picture). a minute later it hit me that the sign said soho boobs -__-"
the semi-famous frozen yoghurt store.
i didnt like it the first time i tried it, but i gave it another chance, this time with agave nectar as one of the toppings to counter the sour taste, at it was yummehhhh~~~
ok, back to the restaurant. they prepared all the seafood fish market style. meaning right there in full view. one could learn alot about seafood just watching them.
sorry, no pictures of the food (i had a heavenly lobster). we were so hungry, i gobbled everything down and only remembered about taking pictures when my hands were wrist deep in lobster (not literally la! what kinda giant lobster is that!).
after seeing me eat, my friend whom i was eating with told me i should never eat lobster on my first date. totally turn the guy off because i eat worse than a male. wtf fml
carnaby all decorated for xmas!
really really beautiful and magical :D
where's wally?
while we were walking down carnaby street, a whole horde of wally's walked past us! some even had the cane!
i got so excited i just stared at them, wanting to drink in the unusual sight, that i forgot to take pictures until they were nearly all gone! T_T
my first ever onigiri!
the little triangular lump smothered in seaweed was the leftover rice.
i forgot what filling i used. salmon i think.
worst asparagus ever! freaking yellow and wilted ok!
dont ever go to scotch steak house.
my biggest attempt at dolling up in a looooooonnnggggg time.
i curled my hair, pinned it up, put on a cute outfit, wore contact lenses, did my makeup... the works.
must take more pictures because i have no idea when is the next time i will bother again.
usually when i go out, i just wash, tone, moisturize and comb my hair. to hell with makeup and contacts. wtf
im camwhoring with jo's mirror because her mirror is way convenient to camwhore with and i think the lighting's better. haha...
all made up. but you cant really tell. its called natural ok!
so amazing right my photographer... managed to cut part of both my feet and head off
if you're wondering about the hair, it was a sort of experiment. i wound up little sections of my wet hair and pinned them up. then i tried to set it with my hairdryer. the end result was frizzy curls. looked better than it sounds =p
with a sweater...
and a jacket on top of the sweater...
not counting under garments, i had 4 layers on!
and i love layering ;)
in the lift still camwhoring...
best pimms i've tried so far!
i like it because it doesnt taste like alcohol at all! =p
sorry, the bread was too good.
fragrant and warm. complimentary bread that is so delicious is rare!
i forgot what seafood this was... either mussels or scallops. anyhow it was deeeelish!
foie gras!
my first taste of it! i quite liked it, but after while i felt jelak :S
we ate at savoir faire. it came up on google after i typed "romantic and cheap restaurant in london". LOL
for the food we ate, it was really reasonably priced! forgot how much though... =p
at paddington again!
i think they were trying to raise funds for something.
my filling fell out a few months ago, so i bought this to serve as a temporary fix. it works, but falls out in about a week, so i have to keep redoing it. luckily, there's plenty of stuff in the bottle! sure the bottle is tiny, but the amount i need for a filling is puny!
i really dont want to go to a dentist here. the last time i had my filling done here, it cost close to 50pounds!
small funfair at i-dunno-what-this-area-is-called.
its close to chinatown.
i didnt mean to take the truck. i was aiming for the merry go round -__-"
dress i saw at jane norman and adored.
but i didnt buy it because i already bought...
i got it for 15pounds at a sample sale. loves it!
(i told you jo's mirror was more convenient)
i can wear this for CNY! =p
sushi buffet with jo, leonard, billy and natalie.
the buffet worked in an unusual way. you ticked what you wanted and they would serve an amount that they estimated for the amount of people you had at your table.
i had never eaten so much sashimi in my life! jo and nat didnt really touch the sashimi, so it was just me and the two guys devouring it.
the annoying spotlight was from the lamp above us.
jo gave this to me.
custom printed.
i feel the love.
shaddap sardine. at least I got a shirt. wtf
ur camera quite lousy.
your sister very funny!! haha.
cherie: but quite flattering for camwhore shots. and its from my phone.
jo: like that also very funny??? i cackle so seductively *wink*
mock exams is also exams ok!
nice pics :)
eXtENd: domo arigato!
hehehe amy :) nights and take care!
eeeck, are u sure the fois gras u had was different from the one i ordered?
i really liked leo's and km's starters though...n my whisky sauce!
eXtENd: dont u know im angry at you? *raises eyebrow*
bp: it was different. im very sure. too bad u didnt get to try the seafood starter thingy, i've never had a starter served like that b4.
i love this post amy!! :D the dresses are lovely omg and have you gotten skinnier?!
the chinatown place is called leicester square laaa...we can watch 'bao zhu' there on cny...wat's that called.. crackers! like 10mins continuous explosion. loll
and what is the name of the sushi buffet? looks amazing i wanna go to!
reb: thanks! no i havent la... those pictures were all taken wayyy b4 u left. hahahaha
oh leicester sq. no wonder its so near chinatown. LOL. i bet its gonna be packed!
i forgot the name. will look it up for u! damn alot if sashimi wan. guaranteed u will eat until jelak. hahaha
i know u are.
and i am sorry.
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