since bernie complains that i never post pictures of my travels, here are a couple of pictures taken during breakfast at the guesthouse i stayed at in malta.
as i mentioned before, i didnt really enjoy malta. but if any of you are planning to go to malta, i highly recommend asti guesthouse. its cheap (20euro a night per person), spacious, full of character and the land lady is extremely accommodating. hands down beats many of the hotels i've stayed at in europe.
only gripes i have is that there is no ensuite (for someone who frequents the toilet at night, this is not so good) and there is no carpet, so bring bedroom slippers if you go in winter. unless you dont mind the cold tiles.
on to the breakfast pictures!
bread, cake, jam and butter
breakfast is included in the room rate, so dont expect anything fancy. im not a morning person, so for breakfast, this is good enough for me ;)
random tomato
i always try to eat half my tomato sandwiched in the bread. the other half i discard because i dont like eating tomato alone. the small sweet ones are fine, but the big ones are too much.
blurry picture of the breakfast room
chandelier! (surprisingly clear shot)
i think this might have been a depiction of when christ was born. the picture is too blurry to tell. wtf
malta is a very christian place and especially since we went near xmas, there were christmas decorations everywhere. i have more photos of the guesthouse, and you will see that there are decorations all over the place!
the structure of the guesthouse itself was incredibly unique. most of us are used to the straightforward structure of carefully planned individual buildings, but the buildings in malta are huge tall blocks that meld into each other. and each tenant builds their own home to their own specification. however, as generations come and go, some places are bought over by the building next to theirs and the walls are knocked down to enlarge the buyer's original building (are you still with me??). so there isnt really any 1st floor, 2nd floor kinda thing. its stairs, a corridor of rooms, down the corridor you get more stairs, sometimes a random room at the side of the stairs, winding stairs and in between you get another short corridor of rooms. all very haphazard, but full of character. i'll post pictures of the rest of the guesthouse next time.
angel deco
you can have juice and a choice of coffee or tea. i always choose tea. not a coffee person.
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