its nearing the end of my course (the final 2 weeks) and there are a lot of loose ends to tidy up and not to mention that i still have classes...
i have to get my evidence file in order, fill up my court file, sort out my absentee date's work and get my inn reference forms signed. oh and i really have to start working on my reflective diary which is around 50% of my family law marks.
also, i have 2 exams to sit for next week. oh joy. and did i mention that i wouldnt know what form the exams will be in until friday? ie. whether it will be in the form of advocacy or written work...
other than that, i've been running about having fun (picnic, law ball, prince of persia), hence the lack of updates.
today was rebecca/ shi jye's birthday. and she held it as a picnic at hammersmith park, where a japanese garden party was being held!
so clever! it was really awesome!
birthday girl
the early birds. more ppl came ltr. (spot me!!!)
it was a huge picnic. this is one popular girl! flo, reb n chun hong (reb's bf. sorry boys.)
i likey this pic :)
im so glad i finally had an opportunity to wear this dress (its not exactly a day-to-day dress now is it). not only was it to a picnic, it was a japanese garden party. so it totally fit the theme! *big wide grin*
me, fabienne, elysha, flo
not many pics. all these have been stolen from flo's album (thanks!). but i have a gazillion camwhore ones in various other cams, so i'll post 'em up when i've gathered them all together =p
one bottle of nail polish from nails inc is worth £10.50, and 2 bottles of diet coke = £2.36. so get buying already!
perks: price (DUH!) you can drink the diet coke / score brownie points by giving it to a diet coke drinker still get boots advantage card points!
the 4 colours are inspired by the 4 fashion capitals of the world:
'London' is a trendy nude colour, inspired by Brit passion for cool fashion. 'Paris' is a deep purple, a tribute to the most romantic city in the world and a beautiful sunset over the Eiffel Tower. 'Milan' is a fiery Italian red and 'New York' is a vibrant fuchsia pink inspired by the attitude of the city that never sleeps.
i got myself a 'london' and am thinking of getting a 'new york' next ;)
here i am, to sear my image into your memory once again!
lets begin with pics taken during CNY dinner 2010.
i havent camwhored in soo long that my camwhoring skills FAIL. sorry la, my skills rusty already.
people eating
my chendol yums!
nash and i (she was the only malay and also the only one wearing red. all us chinese fail la.)
jo and i
CNY lunch with some of the london lodgians:
with leonard
kiong, jo, me
jo looks so scared! HAHAHA
kiong feng tau-ing
yes, im wearing the same top. im saving up on laundry, cannot ah!
fish dim sum... har kau?
fish dessert so much fish... confirm "nian nian you yu"!
we stopped by hummingbird bakery after lunch.
camwhoring at home because i didnt wanna waste the makeup. wtf
i still havent given up on trying to smile without teeth -_-
tights that my mum passed on to me genuine vintage!
i love the swirly gold patterns and random small diamante(s)!
let me try blogging fashion blogger style:
turtleneck: uniqlo (cashmere, so its WARM) vest/dress: miss selfridge leggings: vintage
long shirt: esprit hoodie: primark leggings: zara kids
random food photo. mum, see how healthily i eat! i must have missed it out when compiling this album. its supposed to go into the food album.
i think this photo is quite freaky.
i was trying to camwhore, but felt that the pics all turned out bad. then i remembered someone once told me that all lalas took pics from high above, because it was a fail safe "cute" technique.
fail safe my ass.
still thick-facedly trying to be cute. hahahaha
oh ya, i was camwhoring because i thought my eye makeup that day was nice :D
im still super loving my trench coat!
nice or not my scarf? i knitted it myself! :D
dress: peacocks leggings: portobello market sash: accessorize scarf: models own self knitted bag: juicy couture trench coat: miss sixty (bought off ebay!)
the same dress and leggings, but while that was a night look, this is a day look :D
jacket: u2 (from normah, wayyy back in high school!) boots: neu look
top: u2too jeans: samuel and kevin (my current favourite pair of jeans!) scarf: you know la...
fashion terrorist would have been ok if not for the coat la... *convinces self*
tube top: topshop sweater: bay shorts: some boutique in cineleisure tights: uniqlo heat-tech
tube top & shorts same as above sweater: zara above knee socks: ebay boots: neu look
random picture i took because i was quite fascinated by how prominent my veins are... look at the one traveling up my arm.
before dinner @ le cafe anglais
wierd hair day when i tried a different parting
random picture
this is my current project. i saw it in camden (£5!) and loved: 1) how it reminded me of our (lodgian) primary school uniform 2) how vintage the style was
however, there was an itty bitty problem. it was too small :( in the end, it was bought to motivate me to lose weight. however, i have since given up all hope of ever losing that much weight and instead let out the dress at the sides.
in the picture above, the dress has been let out. but because of the style of the dress, it still looks a little frumpy. so now, my next step is to shorten the hemline. perhaps mid-thigh?
hoodie: primark tank top: topshop skirt: h&m
a super matchy day check out the jacket, bag and boots!
i think i look like im about to go horse riding! hahahaha
turtleneck: uniqlo jeans: diesel (2nd favourite pair of jeans!) jacket: bay bag: juicy couture
jo and i prior to clubbing for kiong's birthday
i thought hummingbird was good... but to me, lola's has the bestest red velvet ever!
the amazingly cheesy icing goes so so well with the chocolate cake beneath... simply amazing i tell u!
im currently coveting this pair of pumps from marks and spencer...
reasons why i should get it: 1) its wide fit 2) its got a low heel (but still high enough to look like heels) 3) the price is reasonable 4) spring and summer! 5) its very versatile and will perk up any outfit
reasons why i shouldnt: 1) i have about 15 pairs of shoes in london alone...