so clever! it was really awesome!
birthday girl
the early birds. more ppl came ltr. (spot me!!!)
it was a huge picnic. this is one popular girl!
flo, reb n chun hong (reb's bf. sorry boys.)
i likey this pic :)
im so glad i finally had an opportunity to wear this dress (its not exactly a day-to-day dress now is it). not only was it to a picnic, it was a japanese garden party. so it totally fit the theme! *big wide grin*
me, fabienne, elysha, flo
not many pics. all these have been stolen from flo's album (thanks!). but i have a gazillion camwhore ones in various other cams, so i'll post 'em up when i've gathered them all together =p
lawanya baju :)
yea, everyone was wearing pretty pretty :D
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