i celebrated my17th bdae together with charlotte at her hse. (2005)

gorgeous charlotte!

girl power!!!

boy power!!! (???)

jill n i (love dis pic)

wif stella dearest!

amy lee, me, phey feng
carol, sherly, tian hui

~jokers~ (sime n 'kun')

*hot* normah , jill, gliew

pressie wrappers!!!

the most pressies i have ever received in my life!!! even the shirt n jacket were pressies!!!
actually there r more pics than these, but im not gonna post all coz its juz for memories...
*sigh* i had so much fun!!! i hope everyone else did too! but i did feel pretty bad coz due to sum mistake the cake i ordered was much bigger than hers... ok, so i felt more than pretty bad about dat, i felt down right shitty. :( i guess its not such a big deal, but it was her bdae too n i din wanna look like i was trying to upstage her. she was so nice to organize it at her hse... all i did was the invitations n even dat i kinda screwed up... ahh... bless her kind heart. :)
i have more pics to post!!! a few from the form 5 farewell dinner n lots from my trip to aussie!!!
got make-up ar?
uh huh... coz my mum had a free shesheido(not sure how to spell) voucher. =p
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