on wednesday i was feeling extremely bored plus i had an excruciating wait ahead of me. i suddenly rmbred bout the scarf dat i knitted for my mum but wasnt completed yet, so off i went to atria to complete it.
ta da!!!
ok, i looked like crap, ignore me. focus on the scarf! (u try being in my position n see wad wud u have looked like!)
nice nice??? nice rite? i noe. =p
i took dis pic rite under the light, so its too bright. but u can still see the pattern... its green n gray in alternative strips. thinner strips in the edges n thicker for the middle.
close up of the material. i like the colourful bits!
i found out dat my sis was free dat day so i called her over to teman me. she brought me mcd for dinner.
the only problem wif her is, she cant share bed wif ppl!!! i woke up at 7am to pee n when i got back, i snapped dis shot. where am i supposed to sleep???
i've been thru a thorny patch n there are some ppl i'll like to thank...
to: u
thanx for caring n for all the support. its nice to noe dat im not alone. (well, besides physically when im in damansara.) n dat have sumwhere to recuperate when im down.
to: u
thanx for comin to see me n for all the credit u used up calling me to make sure im ok. and yes, i noe my shoulder is relli sexy n attractive, (its my 'mei li'! =p) but u dun have to keep caressing it. ctrl urself!
to: u
thanx for the emails, u may not be here, but i can feel ur concern n i relli appreciate it. we have sooo much to catch up on when we meet again. =)
to: u
thank u for being honest. it hurts like crazy, but its better than to lie. (i tink) i've shown u all my weaknesses n dat might have led u to tink dat i was weak. but im not without my strengths. u owe me.
to: u
thanx for loving me. i noe i've neglected u in the past, but now i noe ure the most important of all. u will always come 1st n others second. i love u too. i owe u my life in more ways than 1. =p thanx also for helping me hate wad i cud not n still cant bring myself to hate. n thanx for comin here to be wif me.
im much better now, thanx to all of u. although im not yet completely over everything, i've surprised myself by bouncing back so soon. i guess there's nth a lil TLC cant do!
hey babe! glad taht you are feeling better! gota recuperate! haha im sOOOO not looking forward to damn uni tomoro...ugh...and test on sat!!! hu in freaking hell gives exams on sat!!! well...except chinese...but yea...haha and then test on monday and late night till 9 on tuesday...sigh...you better hang in there to!!! will call when i ahve the time k? gota check up on ya! =P till then don stress...or you will get pimple farm like me -_-''
i've always had a pimple farm anyway. :/ haha~
whoa... u have exams on sat n also till so late... n i tot MY timetable sucked.. lolz
good luck for ur tests!
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