i've nvr been tagged b4... or maybe i have but i din read their blogs at dat time so i din noe about it. -_-" but i dun tink so. hehe~
so lets introduce ya'all to the FACE behind dis blog, begining wif the oldest photo i cud find in my laptop. (which is not dat old =p) lets pretend ure all looking at these pics for the 1st time. ;)

dis was me in form 5. (2nd from the left)
geeky le... hehe~
but gosh, i loved my hair! it was so nice n healthy back then... *sigh*

still rmbr the f5 graduation party dat chun yik sponsored?
u gotta love the guy... :)
err... im on the top left
my besties!!!
ok la, stop complaining... the pic is so tiny coz i stole it from my own frenster. happy?
taken last yr at my frens hse
(im 2nd from the left)

wif my class at last yr's coroborree (4got how to spell it)
spot the amy!

taken at my twin-by-name's
dat room was like a freakin studio!
hence our "photoshoot" =p

at k loh's
(y r my fren's hses all so extremely nice??? i wan, i wan!!!)
im on the bottom left incase u were beginning to forget wad i look like. =p
(btw, dis pic n the one above were taken on the same day)

dis is me dis yr! taken after mooting.
im finally on the right hand side of the pic! haha~~
my most recent nice looking pic, taken at laundry bar (what? u tink i wud put up unflattering photos??? =p)
now im gonna tag everyone who reads dis post! n dat means YOU buddy! (unless u dun have a blog) leave me a comment n ur blogs address after u've posted so i can go read it too! =p
aaaaaahahhahahah eh? what did i wana say again...oh! haha the ancienttest photo...i think i have it too...hmm...hahhaaaa EXAMS ARE OVAA~~ happy! hee hee so yea...hahahhahahhah im here feeling lovely..i thikn i shall blog tomoro.hmm...haha okies man taht photo of us really brings back those memories...hah
Yaarggghhhh!!! MOOTING!!!
That's so cool! :)))
SO how did it go?
val: haha... say until as if sooo ancient. actually its only last last yr. lolz! we have GOT to get together for a comwhoring session! n i mean ALL of us. haha~ gimme ur blog add!
ron: haha~ it was ok. i blogged about it few months ago. see if u can find it. =p
val n ron: rmbr u have been tagged! n blog addresses pls!
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