goshhh ron... actually i dun relli noe either. lolz~ but since u have ur banner up, u already have an account. so wad i've been doin is signing into nuffnang.com then the 1st thing u see is analytics which shows the number of visits u get rite? then i check the earnings button n so far, mine is still blank. -_-" so i dun relli have any idea how they bill the revenue earned. sorry!!! but i tink it may be because 20 unique visits a day are required n so far my unique visits a day are only 16. i need 4 more!!! *ahem ppl!!!* ur personal details can be found by clicking on the "my account" button.
i noe i've done a crappy job in answering ur question, but honestly im also juz finding my way around. sorry! but i DO noe who you can ask. sandra! she actually noes the ppl at nuffnang. *gasp!* =p
I'm actually being addressed in this entry!
Good Luck with the revenue earning ok! :) I'll visit when Kyuushi tells me there's an update! :)
I wanna do it too, but i gotta think of sth more public to blog about. My current blog is too personally-oriented.
Heh...about adsense they're supposed to send you some kinda cheque when you have reached the target or minumum amount accrued... Just sth to note, so tat you don't put up their ads for nothing! ;)
haha... coz it was too long to put in the chat box.
i tink my blogs still kinda personal. but u still enjoy it. (at least i hope u do =p)
okies thanx for the heads up!
Hey there,
Thanks for supporting Nuffnang!
Anyway you'd have to wait till your hits are a tiny bit higher and then we might have an advertiser for you! Not immediately of course ;P
So after that, we'll send you an email notifying that an advertiser wants to advertise in your blog. After the campaign, you'll see that your earnings page won't be blank anymore!
Anything else please don't hesitate to contact us ok?
Suet Li of Nuffnang
whoa... u guys r efficient. u even read our blogs! lolz~
ahahha cool!
Maybe when you become famous and establish contacts with Nuffnang can refer me! lol
That is when i set up a super blog.
Coming soon!
haha... i look forward to it ron! n im referring to both the famous part n ur super blog. lolz!
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