on saturday evening, karen suddenly popped into my room and asked me if i wanted to go to chay's lil bro's bdae party. at 1st, i wasnt relli sure if i shud go coz i din noe chay dat well, but she n eric managed to persuade me to go. then karen sed "they're coming in 15 mins".wth! i usually take nearly an hour to get ready! LOL~so i panicked and poor eric was chased away. (sorry!)we tot we were going clubbing, so we were all dressed up, then when we were about to leave the hse, chay asked us y were we all dressed up when it was gonna be a pool party and we were only going clubbing ltr dat nite. -_-" so we rushed back up to change into shorts n slippers.a massive load of pics ahead, so u have been warned! oh yes, there's eye candy for the girls too ;)Click to Expand/Collapse entire entry

i forgot wad dis place is called, all i noe is dat its gorgeous and its in the hartamas area. =p
people pigging out... =p
sian's (pronounced sean) frens
resh n karen
sian n karen
we helped them to blow balloons!but our efforts went to waste coz all the balloons flew onto the grass and burst anyway. -_-"

wad? u thought i wouldnt camwhore???
our present is the one in the colorful paper bag!

as u can see, they were happily camwhoring, then suddenly some random girl squeezed her way in... =p
i forgot wad the drink im advertising is called. LOL~

chay n reshu can see how happy she is to be with him... (pls sense my sarcasm -_-")
and as we hung out, the sun was setting...

karen n i
karen n resh felt romantic...
david n chay
nice view...
sharing a nacho
rowan hitting on resh! (jk!)
candid! LOLZ~
sian's guests
karen n david
i noe dis photo is horribly blur, but i like it! =p
another shot of his guests...
the "seniors" tableLOLZ~since sian n his frens were just turning 18, we were the "older kids", which was relli funny coz they didnt dare to come near us n all... like as if we were soo cool or sth... *amy conveniently forgets dat she juz turned 19* =p
and so it was night
i seriously like the skyline.... but i tink its obvious by now. lol~
pigging out...
chay's uber hot stepmum
paul, david n baya
the adults table
the "kids" table =p
karen showing off her skills... =p
then karen went to a corner and plotted to take over the world! whispered on the phone for a longggg time... hmmm....
they look so happy.... :D
sheeshhhh, she's such a poser! (as if im not! =p)
eye candy *wink wink*
group photo!
resh tries her skills...
happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you....~~~now its time for everyone to camwhore!!!

even chay's parents n stepmum's frens joined in!
paul was performing some magic trick dat i din relli get...
resh n i concocting evil plans....

karen was actually testing her settings -_-"

camwhoring while waiting for the guys...rowan sent us home n we all changed to go clubbing...
camwhoring while waiting for the boys to come back =p

in the car...
waiting again at cynna bar...we look afraid of each other! haha~
nah... we're good

im cant relli rmbr the names of the 2 girls on the right, but the one furthest left is karen's senior in UTAS.
girls only
my junkie looking bruisesyea man, im a hardcore druggie! =p
inside cynna bari like dis pic eventho its so red!
chay n rowan
resh, me n karen
resh looks happier dis time. LOL~chay was soo nice dat nite! he was like our "protector". lol~
coz he's so huge, with him around, the guys left us alone :D
karen n i with tammy
tammy, chay, karen, david, baya, pauli was rather disappointed when we 1st got there coz no one was dancing. but as the night progressed, the music improved n ppl started dancing, so i guess the nite got better :)random shots from the dancefloor:

some girls climbed up onto the tables to dance... but i guess its common. -_-"

*sigh* baya is soo cute... too bad he's only 18 =p

after awhile at cyanna bar, we crossed over to the loft. at the loft, they were playing trance n i dun relli like trance :( we camwhored abit at the balcony...

the guys: baya, rowan, chay, david
the girls: karen, resh, me, tammy

*swoons*we finally called it a nite when the clubs played their last songs and went to a mamak at hartamas before heading home.

the clubs werent dat good, but the company was great :D(ok ok, baya as eye candy didnt hurt either =p) its 1.30am! darn, i wanted to sleep by one! nites!!!