yes, i can be dat blur. -__-
unimportant revelations aside, i'll be going home to kuching on friday. :D
so if still got any gatherings or wad not, call me ar!
i had an extremely vivid dream last nite... it was so intense dat even after my alarm clock rang, after i snoozed it and lay back into bed, the dream resumed! (and thus i skipped the 8-9am class) in it, my husband-to-be and i were on the run, coz my husband-to-be stole some gangsters car and now the gangster was after us. (???!!!)
first of all, y do i have a "husband-to-be" in dat dream??? 2nd, y wud i wanna marry a car jacker anyway??? 3rd, if i did wanna marry a car jacker, y is the car jacker dat i wanna marry, so stupid as to steal a gangster's car???
oh ya, he stole the car coz he din have enuf $$ to marry me. WTH!!! -_-"
*dis part not halal*
i had a yummilicious dinner tonite!
but most of u west malaysians have probably never even heard of dis dish anyway.
in hokkien its called "ang chor bak". i have no idea wads it called in english, but its basically pork in red sauce. =p
i love it, love it!!!
ya la, i noe my dinner got no greens, but wadever la! im going back in 3 days, i'll get my dose of healthy food then! =p
ps: i noe dat most of u are heartily sick of my blog's song. i'll change it soon. no idea when soon is tho. =p
OOO... Husband-to-be, eh? *wiggles eyebrows cheekily* XP
i have no memory whatsoever of how the dude looks like tho! =p
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