so... instead of getting all pissed (ok, fine i DID get a bit pissed =p), i went and did wad any good student shud do... i went to resh's room and watched the 1st 3 episodes of the 1st season of prison break!!! yes, i noe, i must be the most productive student ever. -_-"
anyway, i have decided to start reading my equity and trusts text book tml! coz
if ure gonna tell me i shud have started eons ago, shaddap! me actually planning to study is already an achievement ok! lets concentrate on taking on step at a time! (which means the actual execution of my plan will take more effort =p)
for u:

because we all noe its true ;)
ure prettier than me, smarter then me, taller than me, slimmer than me, u have a better complexion, ure more hardworking too!
ure generous, polite, kind and caring, which is more than i can say for myself. =p
ure better than me in everyway! so be happy already! *hugs*
PLUS, ur bank account is nvr empty the way mine perpetually is!
but wads most important is dat... I love u!
and we all noe dat my love is worth more than any other person's! muahaha~
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