let me clarify 1st that im not a christian, im a free thinker. but the point of this post is not to start a religious debate, so let me be :)
i was at the church to attend an event called "cafe immaculatte".
it was basically just ppl chilling and singing songs related to God.
they were having the event to raise funds for world youths day.
and the reason i was attending it, was to lend my support to karen who was performing that night :D
enough intro! on to the pics!
i love white roses... and purple roses *hint hint* =p
the little chill-out room all ready for ppl to start coming
he's of very mixed parentage and used to live in puerto rico
cool huh? =p
spoof of starbucks =p
they dimmed the lights...
jo, karen n their friend
james again
james, karen n celestine
yes, his name is really celestine. i thought i heard it wrong the 1st few times, but after the 3rd time, there was no mistake, its CELESTINE.
i know a GIRL from kuching with the same name... ok, i shall not make fun of ppl's name =p
pearl, kennedy, karen, me, steffan
kennedy is karen's brother and pearl is his gf :)
do u think karen n her bro look alike?
me thinks karen's bro looks more chinese and karen looks more exotic =p
karen n i :D
awww.... *sniff sniff*
i wont be captioning the performance pictures coz i cant rmbr all their names =p
ok, im obviously veru biased and took soo many more pics of my hsemate compared to the other performers =p
me n the guys
i feel short :(
jo! look what i found!!!
i still rmbr this being in ur room!
this would be a good time to give an excuse for how crappy i looked.
steffan called me at 6.30pm and told me that we were going to cafe immaculatte and he would confirm with me in half-an-hour. i was sleeping at that time, so i went back to bed. then he called again n sed he would be at my place in another half hour. so i dragged my sleepy ass outta bed and washed my face, then grabbed some clothes out of my wardrobe to wear. i didnt even bother to moisturize my face, much less put on any makeup whatsoever.
PLUS i was feverish, had a headache and my whole body felt weak :(
me n the evil steffan
karen n jocelyn
james n karen
ok, thats all the pics that were in karen's camera.
if anyone is interested in cafe immaculatte, they're still open tonight.
they begin at 8.30 till 10.30pm
but if its anything like last night, they'll begin at 9 till after midnight.
so its not too late if u wanna rush there now!
rmbr, its at : st xavier church
the tickets are $20 and u can buy them when u reach ;)
thank you for coming. i hope the performances were good. love yoU!
it was amazing! i know u love me!
haha~ love ya too!
ADRIAN's Poster!!!!!!!
OMG I remember that too!
wei its ST FRANCIS XAVIER la! sfx.. haha.. and youre so in MY territory! without me some more!! aiyohhh!!! whatcha doing with jesus people man.. btw i used to go there occasionally one haha..
edine: HAHAHA~ did it give u nightmares when u saw it at night? =p
jo: aiyah... how i know the full name =p i go support my fren who was singing. and y didnt u go to the event since its ur territory? ha!
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