Wednesday, April 16, 2008


after looking at the pictures on jolene's blog.

a wave of kiasu-ism hit me.

so today when i was supposed to be studying like crazy for my constitutional law exam tommorow, i brought my cam to college after lunch.

1st stop, the auditorium where they were having a recruitment drive for clubs and societies.
(and i look crappy in all the pictures, so ignore me and focus on the phone =p)

alice, eva n i
must support my club mar... =p

he was kind enough to voluntarily help me find ppl to take pictures with.

random guy

the anime club
eh, must count the lion also ok! there's a person inside!


basketball club

taekwondo club

to prove that i was holding the phone

malay cultural society

found ethan in the library


ok la, i know there arent that many pics, but hey, im just getting warmed up =p

and the samsung ppl damn smart lor... almost all the ppl that i took photos with wanted to check out the phone. and all of them were soo impressed when i slid down the phone to reveal the speaker and red touchpad. then they all said that they wanted to be bloggers too -_-"

this is the analytics from nuffnang, showing keywords that people type and end up on my blog.


i dont know why lexus biscuits always end up in the list! i dont think i have EVER mentioned them in my blog :S

and i had no idea that there was such a thing as "traditional pyjama party food".

most perplexing are the last 3 keywords.

tzeching sex???
i do read tze ching's blog, but i've never mentioned it or sex before! :S

and "undies pyjama party"???
seriously WTF.


joshuaongys said...

hahhahahahah i guess thats some error from the search engine.. sometimes i get weird keywords also hahaha

eDine said...

LMAO!!! wth
tzeching sex?!?!?!
my my have you been notti

Anonymous said...

lol dance, sport... martial art = in need or deodorant. you'd prolly get a keyword search under deodorant too haha!

Simon Seow said...

Hey I saw Kon guy in KL Freeze picture too.

amb3r1te said...

jasonmumbles: yes it is!

joshuaongys: haha~ what do u get?

edine: if i was, i wouldnt choose to be it on my blog... =p

samantha: LOL!

simon seow: kon guy?

Simon Seow said...

The Lion is a character from Bleach, the name is Kon. I saw a picture with a guy wearing the same costume in KL Freeze too.

amb3r1te said...

owh, i never knew the lions name was Kon. haha~

Anonymous said...

oh...i see u are from KDU college. That lion from anime club is my sister friend.

amb3r1te said...

yes i am, are u? hehe~
cool, its a small world!

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