there was a time when i could just blog openly and freely about my love life. but when i lost stability in that area, i stopped blogging about it.
but now that i feel safe enough to start blogging about it again, u readers will be flooded with loads and loads of lovey dovey mushy posts, so much so that u will puke daily or just boycott my blog. (no! pls dont boycott me!!!) =p
hmm... lets talk about this year after CNY ok?
here are the guys who've been in my life:
mr. jerk
i cant think of a more fitting name to call him other than jerk. our relationship lasted a grand total of 4 days. the only good thing that i can think of about him is that i met shaun through him.
mr. dramatic ending
everything was rosy and pink for about 2 weeks. he was nearly everything a girl could ask for, and very good-looking too. then suddenly one night, he became an asshole. he drank, smoked and flirted with other girls right in front of me. even to the extent of frenching another girl. i slapped him, and we broke up the next day. to this day, i have no idea why he suddenly behaved that way. either it was because his true colours emerged or it was because he thought we wouldnt last and he wanted me to forget him, and and by making himself the bad guy, i would get over him faster. well if thats what he wanted, it worked.
mr. lone ranger
he's an amazing friend but not bf material. everytime someone tries to get close to him, he'll suddenly put up a barrier and be MIA for several weeks. very exasperating i can tell u. but everytime im upset i know i can count on him, even at 3am. and he never fails to make me laugh. so thank you for everything.
we have clashing characters. im bright and sunny, while he's cloudy and moody. lovably sarcastic too. we nearly got together -i think. but i guess im just too irritating and needy =p
nevertheless, i still count u as one of my best buddies and i hope u feel the same :)
mr. pretty boy aka eXtENd
i think u guys have noticed him in my chatterbox and comments by now. he's shaun :)
he's very much like me actually, and i like his sensitivity. he tends to think for others before himself, and that to me is very very attractive ;)
also he's very good with words in an honest direct, straight-to-your-heart kind of way. (not in the suck-up, sweet talker, he-is-so-lying kind of way)
hmm.. its not fair if i dont say anything bad about him since i've said not so good stuff about the rest right? so the not so good thing about him is that he's prettier than me! wtf
summore he's the same weight as me. eh no, i gained 1 kg since i've been back. crap! how can the bf be lighter than the gf! *resolves to be anorexic* wtf
i present to u, the many faces of shaun:

click to enlarge (ron, i know u want to =p)
the guy on the left in light blue is his twin scott :)
and shaun and i are the same age, he just looks young. im not a pedophile ok!
one of my favourite pics! (actually nearly every pic we took is "my favourite pic" -_-")
look, i painted his nails black! muahaha~
oh ya, this pic cannot enlarge.
so now u guys know about my love life. i hope your curiosity is satisfied =p
do look forward to alot of mushy-ness in my nxt post =p
Very mushy indeed...
Hope you can find your dream man la... you really deserve a good guy ler...
nice PIC!! the last one!! i like the colors *ignores the person in the pic*
neway hope to see you soonn lorrr i can move about already!!!
your humble servant: wow, thats kind of u to say that considering we've nvr met. lolz! thanks! u made my day :)
edine: i know what ure really trying to say is that i look nice la. *perasan mode on overdrive* haha~ congrats for moving! =p so when can we go out already!
At 5.30 am in the morning you don't fail to crack me up... How surprised I was when you were able to read my mind.... U know how annoying it is! Ur pics are all so small!.... hmm.. u could resolve the problem though by changing ur template but anyhow,...
Ur love life is so colourful! ;) As far as I remember, CNY wasn't that long ago... hehe :P
Hope you'll find true happiness in this relationship! :)
Cheers to the first of June :)
Wah, Shaun so thin ga meh.
caranthir: i cant believe i nearly missed out replying u again! so sorry! i would change my template, but im a total noob. unless thats an offer to help... ;)
Thanks and i hope so too!
simon seow: ya lor!
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