feast your eyes people!
plenty of eye candy here!
the guy on the left is holding it with his beer can.
all these pics were taken on the 1st night.
on the 2nd night, we arrived slightly later and i also got side-tracked, so i didnt get to show off my phone =p
why does everyone have that same phone?
Wah, photo overload. No la Samantha, Amy asked them to pose with her phone. It's a contest she's running to win the Samsung phone.
samantha: the phone was loaned to me by samsung. in order to be able to keep the phone, i must be the blogger who takes the most pictures of people posing with my phone, which explains the pics :)
simon seow: this is just barely an eighth of all the pics i'll be posting up ;)
but the rest will be without the phone la. hehe~
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