baked potato with cheese and butter.
here's how i did it:
pre-heat the oven to 200degrees celcius (i dunno where the degree symbol is -_-")
wash the potatoes (choose big ones). prick all over with a fork (this is to release the moisture so it doesnt become soggy and to prevent potential bursting). rub oil and salt all over.
wrap in foil and pop it into the oven for 1hr. then take it out and cut a cross shape. press the sides of the potato to open it and put in loads of butter and cheese. yum! (it'll be nicer if u had grated cheese, but its expensive and sliced cheese is still cheese anyway =p)
minted lamb meatballs!
how i made this:
(nb: i keep saying "how i made this" because its how I made it. it may be technically wrong and stuff, but im just telling u the way i did it.)
beat an egg and mix it into defrosted minced lamb meat. add mint sauce (i forgot how much i added, but just agak la according to how much u like mint sauce).
boil water in a saucepan (just enough to cover all the meatballs when u put them in. u dun want too much water coz it'll go to waste in the end and it'll dilute the meatballs taste.) and when its boiling, form balls with the meat and slide them into the boiling water. note that the water muz be boiling, or else ur meatballs will disintegrate very ugly-ly.
then when the meatballs are cooked, add mint sauce to the soup and voila!
(but the distinctive lamb tastes kinda fades. i dunno how to preserve it. BUT on the bright side, this is great for those who find the lamb taste over-powering. wtf)
how i made this:
i didnt make la! are u stupid??? =p
kit kat, family pack! whee~~~
got 9 of 'em in a pack
nicely arranged on my food shelf.
i bought these too!
they taste ok, but nowhere as good as the marks and spencer ones. but cheap la, so i just make do only.
massive salad!
got half a head (i dunno wad the correct word should be. "a heart of lettuce" sounds familiar... or should it be "a leaf of lettuce"? but thats just one leaf right??? haih, nvm, u get the point) of lettuce, a big carrot, loads of cherry tomatoes and a whole apple. topped with balsalmic vinegar and some red wine vinegar.
*sigh* im so healthy! *proud*
(but after that still cant relli feel full, so i ate a kit kat. wtf)
ben's cookies!
i think these cookies are supposed to be famous too. kinda like millies cookies. but i still think millie's is the BEST! =p
err... no pics of the cookies coz i forgot to take pics b4 i ate 'em =p
but i like the illustration on the paper bag! it reminds me of roald dahl books! hehe~
beans n mushrooms!
simple n yummy :D
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