i mentioned my london trip before right? here are all the pics from that trip! so all u limited bandwidth people... suffer! muahaha~
we went on a saturday and woke up super early to meet at the bus stop at 8am.
i look so tired. obviously not a morning person.
i camwhore she also wanna kepoh *shakes head*
caroline (nxt to me) looks exaggeratedly glam. lol!
thats min yuen n wei yee behind.
the famous victoria station
i met up with stella here and parted with my other frens.
our 1st stop was china town for lunch!
we walked there from the station and she brought me to a place which served malaysian food.
i cant remember the shops name, but i remember the location! lol~
abit fail la my camwhoring with the phone. but at that time it was still new.
dont worry, im now very pro at camwhoring with it. wtf
my 5pounds plate of honey roast pork.
i initially wanted to order duck but it was the same price and i figured that i was better off getting pork instead coz pork is worth more. haha... so the kiam siap =p
that was one of the best char seow i have ever tasted!!! damn nice the meat, not the chewy chewy kind.
stella's food!
beef hor fun i think.
she said it was pretty good too!
i'll try to remember to ask her the name of the place and let u guys know nxt time.
china town!
the telephone booths in UK remind me so much of harry potter!
u know the one that leads to the ministry? lol~
another pic of china town.
full of asians. few ang mohs.
after lunch, stella asked me where i wanted to go. so instead of buckingham palace and london bridge and the london eye and all those other touristy places, i wanted to go to oxford street (its famous for cheap shopping)!
so feeling damn semangat, we walked there.
we passed so many sex and lingerie stores!
i wanted to go see wads inside, but stella pulled me away. LOL~
there's an ann summers in oxfordshire too! it has an opening for holiday seasons.
so im gonna send my CV in. i think it'll be interesting working in a lingerie shop! plus the pay is pretty decent ;)
oh yea, it was the day before my birthday, so stella gave me a early birthday present! it was a gift card from H&M!
so we popped in for awhile for me to choose my present =p
2 dresses caught my eye.
this is the white one
i like it coz of the cowl neck and the knit design.
but look at that bulge! i swear its the lighting -_-"
this is the black one
looks so much slimmer right?
no prizes for guessing which one i bought =p
but i did really love the white one too though.
london college of fashion!
this reminds me of nadia... =p
we spent damn long in here!
as a child i heard about "Toys R Us" and always dreamed of how wondrous the store would be. hamleys was my dream come true :D
promoters in costumes
i <3>
one of those things i always wanted was a bubble machine. u know the one in "honey i shrunk the kids again"?
make your own teddy bear!
choose your own skin and stuffing and even clothes!
so cool right? haha~
see...all the bear skins in neat lil rows.
a fantastic gift any day!
with great power comes great responsibility. wtf
boy size. too bad guys =p
a cycling helmet.
damn nice right the colour! i feeling buying a bike just so i can buy the helmet. wtf
just strap it onto ur shoes and voila, roller skates!
so cute! =p
reminds me of battle chess =p
they had these huge flying saucer things being thrown about.
remember those catalogues we used to get in primary school where we could choose from all kinds of really cool books and science kits? i loved those!
there was no one attending to these sweets and the lil girl was just eating them.
i wanted to do it too, but i was scared of getting caught =p
they had a huge collection of different types of candies!
tubs of candy floss!
u choose different colours of powder and put them into long tubes.
i saw kids sucking from long tubes when i got here and now i know wad it is! lol~
more sweetness =p
candy cane?
looks like the lolly punched me. lol!
no wonder so many ang mohs are diabetic...
i know someone who would love this...
reminds me of normah!
literally candy cane =p
ya, its still the same cane =p
now u can play it in your own home! lolz~
they even had "are u smarter than a 5th grader?"
photo gifts!
cherie remember these??
we used to borrow "thomas and friends" storybooks from the library all the time!
i was so excited to see these trains =p
i dunno wad category the previous floor fell under, but this floor is strictly girls!
so pink, can die =p
see, pink!
these guys were trying on hats too!
then they saw me snap a pic, then i ran away =p
wigs galore
hannah montana! wtf
yo yo yo! -_-"
greys anatomy anybody?
wahaha... she looks soo cute here!
sock purses!
yes, please!
starletta! (ok, i wonder how many of u get this =p)
they even had a clothes peg with clothes up!
they are obsessed with socks i tell u!
made out of porcelain summore... not cheap plastic.
dun play play... =p
i love this section!
gimme anything and i will love u. wtf
yo, amy in da house! wtf
stuff your own bear!
omg, i want like nearly everything. kids today are so lucky. *old and bitter* wtf
so cool!!!
now... if only i had the rest of my kit...
u just add water, then the beads will permanently stick together!
in my day, polly pocket was actually pocket sized -_-"
hannah montana karaoke
imho, i think barbie quality has dropped :(
so many things i would have loved to have when i was younger.
umm... i just liked the wings. lol~
when i was a wee lil girl, i remember going to my cousins house and she had a doll house! i was so so jealous! :(
a head.
there were rows upon rows of heads! WTF
i understand enjoying hair styling, but to buy a HEAD???
very creepy.
now this is more like it!
unlike the previous doll house in which lil girls could play with their dolls with, these were more like collectors items.
stupid reflection -_-
the detail of these houses really amazed and intrigued me.
so nice right???
look at the toilet!
so so detailed!!!
i <3>
the floor above the girls floor was the boys floor.
car models
and lots
and lots of them.
i love car models with details such as these!
like, u can open the doors and see the lil seats and gear stick and open the hood and see the engine!
guys racing cars the safe way. wtf
so basically the boys floor was full of car models. goodness, girls have so many different things to play with and guys only have cars??? thats so sad... =p
the highest floor had a cafe, a few racks of toys and this:
a sealed room.
a teddy tea party! so cool! i took the pic via a window in the door.
i took this picture coz the alien reminded me of an alien from torchwood.
but this is sarah jane adventures... so NOT torchwood!
somehow i like he-who-must-not-be-named's wand better.
i think coz its white =p
i have something like this at home! lol~
a deatheater mask. i quite liked it till i saw the mouth area. eww...
so thats all from hamleys!
this is the route from oxford street to picadilly
the buildings form a curve, creating a sort of circle.
very aesthetically pleasing for those who appreciate these sort of things.
i was only reminded of krispy kreme when i saw this!
but too bad there wasnt any nearby :(
mengacau when she's on the phone with shih yang asking directions to the closest krispy kreme. wtf
diversion ends.
i wonder wad kind of diversion :S
whenever i play monopoly, i usually dont buy picadilly. i think its coz its yellow and i dont find it profitable. so dear picadilly, i owe u an apology. wtf
i cant rmbr wad i was taking... -_-"
this area is supposedly the london version of the big apple coz of the neon sign boards.
so must camwhore abit.
LIMO!!! *sakai*
i have a few random touristy pics which i wont tag.
there's bungee jumping in here.
very random.
there were so many ppl around, it was so difficult to take pictures.
london underground
very busy. if u dun wanna get lost or in everyones way, u MUST have someone to bring u ur 1st few times.
and in several stations, there were street performers too! (picture hastily taken as i was pushed along with the crowd)
after picadilly we took the tube back to chinatown for dinner.
street performer in china town.
i nvr see this scene (old men playing chinese chess in a pavillion in a park) in msia!
or maybe its coz i rarely go to parks... -_-"
we met up with shih yang and ate here
shih yang and stella
chinese restaurant staple
i ordered soup!
the strange thing is that in UK, when u order soup, its for one person only. so u have to order the specific amount of bowls u want. i prefer it if one huge bowl came and everyone scooped from that bowl like in malaysia. (that way, if the soup is nice, can get more. muahaha~)
according to the couple, bernie says this is the best duck in the world. LOL!
i say its pretty darned good, but i'll have to try more ducks before i give my verdict =p
the duck was by far the best dish. thanks shih yang and stella for bringing me there!
free mints!
i tapau-ed the whole bowl with tissue. HAHAHA~
im so auntie.
but it was a tiny plastic bowl only wad! =p
then we walked to the london trocadero to see if there was any krispy kreme there.
see, i told u got bungee jumping! =p
picadilly at night
my handphone cam was not high tech enough to capture the individual colours of the ads.
but i dont think i'll waste money visiting it coz i already went to the one in genting =p
maybe i'll visit madame tussauds wax museum nxt time! ;)
then we took the tube to victoria station and i parted with stella and shih yang and reunited with my classmates.
random picture.
i bought it coz i wanted a body butter and to get a ted baker item for about 5pounds (the body shop body butter is about 12pounds!) was a deal! =p
plus the box is so pretty!
that's not bungee jumping!! that's a trampoline!! :P
haha... its the mini version of bungee jumping. last time midvalley also got! but now dunno go where dy.
yeap, the duck dish in Chinatown is one of the best I've tasted. I think due to the Hong Kong chef that work there.
according to my uncle and sis, the bayswater branch for duck of four seasons is even better lol. im so gonna go there nxt time ...pure decadence
simon seow: haha... i've gotta try more duck!
b.p: HAHAHA... u and food!
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