last night, the guys cooked bak kut teh for us girls!
err... i took this pic quite late.
most of the meat had been eaten up by then -_-"
my lil container.
i bring it whenever i eat over at my frens places. coz we each buy just one plate for out own use. so its unfair to expect them to have extra plates when eating over. and we take turns to cook quite often, so everyone brings their own eating utensils :)
abit of camwhoring never hurt anyone~~~
i damn love the top i have on.
i got it from baleno when i was shopping in china. super comfortable! :D
yesterdays outfit
min yuen, me, jeannie
like my boots? ;)
marcus, lit fwu, hua jie
so sad lar lit fwu's place.
the biggest mirror he had in his room was a tiny square in his bathroom. so i used the window reflection. thank god i have a half-length mirror!
hua jie, main cook!
this was taken when we added more meat to cook coz we were pigs and the 1st round wasnt enough =p
todays outfit.
the red knit sweater was bought a few days ago. 20pounds for 2. the halter is old. u like, u like? i like! =p
my favourite part about the halter is that the circle shows precisely my pendant =p
i cooked pork meatballs today!
they tasted surprisingly yummy! (thanks! =p)
ok, this part is where i need some help.
i planned to wear this tomorrow.
but the fur on the jacket plus the boots make it all look abit hooker-ish no?
so i changed the jacket.
(ignore the spastic pose)
is this jacket better?
or this one?
(i think this one is best)
yes la, i know this is a very bimbotic question. but forgive me k, its my 1st time in such a cold country. lemme experiment abit la! =p
do comment soon! its 11.50pm now and i plan to wear it for my 9am class!
yeah last choice lor.
i told u last choice babie! =p
haha~ i did wear it!
What sauce you used for the meatballs?
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