*pretend dunno*
how bout this handsome guy on the right?
thats my bf. he has absolutely no connection to the previous odd-ball. LOL!
on a different topic, flies here are soo different from flies back home. for one, flies here are HUGE! so big and black! *shudders* but where malaysian flies are super speedy, and flighty, the flies here are extremely slow!
u know how we always wave at flies and they will fly off at the merest hint of danger? last night i stamped my foot right nxt to a fly to get rid of it, but it did not even budge! wth??
so i just stamped on it and killed it -_-"
i stayed home all day today again. i rather enjoy staying home alone actually. loads of me time! hehe~ (yea right, just gimme a few more weeks and i'll be dying of boredom!)
i've got a pot luck tonight at my friend's place. im gonna bring a starter of prawns and yogurt. hope it turns out alright =p
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