instead, i spent the day cooped up in my room chatting to my bie and the night at my fren's place.
(btw, i bought 6 250ml boxes of honey chrysanthemum tea in chinatown when i went to london last saturday and im sipping one box now *blisssssss* when i used to live in kuching, everytime we ate out at kopitiams, i'd order chrysanthemum tea with my food. this was way before my limau ais times in kl. wtf)
now, before u all start thinking that this dinner was specially prepared for my honour, it wasnt (how sad is that :'( ).
its just that my fren cooks and the others always chip in. so this was one of those nights. but since it was my birthday, i didnt have to pay. lol~
caroline and the rest arrived wayyyy earlier then me. (i was abit lost looking for carole's hse)
wei yee dropped her spoon (or was it fork? hmm... i think it was fork la.) into the bin while clearing her plate!
the great fork hunt!
me eating... as slowly as always.
pout gone wrong.
min yuen, wei yee, carole (host), me, jeannie, caroline
after dinner, we played 7.
the rules of the game are quite basic. going either clockwise or anti-clockwise, we count upwards and when it reaches 7, any multiple of seven, or any number containing the number 7, the person must buzz instead of saying the number. then the circle will change direction.
i was rather apprehensive about it considering i was nvr any good at math -_-"
and sure enuf, i got it wrong and my punishment was to put on this random red jacket (i have no idea whose) and sexily strip it off.
after this game, we played mafia.
then while we were taking a break, my fren pretended to confess her feelings to another fren. i actually thought it was real, but they were just acting -_-"
then i turned around...
and set my eyes on the prettiest cake ever!
i just love the candy-ishness of the cake!
arent my frens just the sweetest???
making a wish
btw, the necklace im wearing is from my parents. they got it for me when they went to my sister's graduation in scotland. they meant to hide it and only give it to me when i was leaving for the UK, but one day as my mum was pulling clothes from her closet, i spied a gorgeous pink box on the shelf and opened it. the minute i opened it, i knew it was mine. (cmon la,it was a huge purple heart! everyone knows i like purple!) then my mum turned around and squealed. i had just ruined my own surprise -_-"
wei yee, jeannie, caroline n min yuen
im still half-way eating my cake (see the white thing near my face?). i got the cake 1st, yet was the last to finish eating it -_-"
the uber late guys!
they went to play futsal and came very late.
yea, im still eating. got a problem with that???
why my face like that! it looks like: "im happily eating, y u suddenly pull me to take pic! i wanna eat!" =p
playing mafia
playing mafia (and posing)
jamie, me, wai bing, carole (oh, so its her jacket!), susan
this was taken while we were playing some cantonese "eat sushi" game which involved sitting and standing up. if u ever watched any of those canton game shows, u'd get wad i mean.
lit fwu
wai bing
hua jie
wai bing n carole
group pic!
the cam was put on the fridge on the other side of the room.
a better group pic
the supposed "sexy" pic
and thats all folks!
caroline n i did think of hitting the pub that was nearby, but in the end, i got so caught up in group games that we scratched that idea =p
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