we've been through some rough patches, especially the 1st few weeks i was here, but i guess now its safe to say we're pretty stable :)
here are a few of my favourite pictures of him.
(omg, for once, its not all about me 0.o) =p
from the night i melted under his gaze
(gelinya, so mushy =p)
this was taken during our 1st week together if im not mistaken.
so whats so special about that picture?
his eyes!
i drew eyeliner and curled his lashes. HAHAHA~
dammit, his eyes are prettier than mine!
(not only that, his waist is smaller than mine. CHISSS!)
i think he looks very shuai here *shy*
concentrating on his forte... computer games.
im such a great photographer right? thanks! no no, it has nothing to do with him being a good model. goodness, the very idea! =p
he even looks good sleeping!
wth, so unfair... i look like #$&*#% when i sleep!
i painted his nails black!
he looks like a punk emo lil boy. LOL!!!
and now we both look like punk emo kids. HAHAHA! (taken at the tiesto rave in PD)
i super like this pic coz shaun says i look very pretty in it! *shy**blush*
like hot jap girl he said.
eh, chinese cannot be hot ar???
ok la, i rarely put kissing pics on my blog, but this shall be an exception =p
psst... look at his lips! so funny! hahahahahaah =p
from our "wedding pics" set.
trivia: a guy i once dated was sitting right beside him when we took all these photos :S
(yes, it includes the kissing ones)
ok la, enough from the "wedding set". look here if u wanna see more.
the "maid of honour" dinner.
he looks uber pretty boy here! =p
i used to set it as my desktop wallpaper, but ever since i sent my laptop to be repaired, my desktop wallpaper is a default black and i cant change it to anything else coz it will just revert back to black the nxt time i switch my laptop on.
last june's law ball!
he purposely wore a red tie to match my dress. aww....
(sendiri "aww..." sendiri -_-")
he developed this picture (and a few others. and it was only after i asked =p) and sent it to UK for me. i have it on proud display on my bed head :)
one of my classmates saw this pic and commented that he looks like the malaysian idol daniel.
hmm... i dont quite think so. shaun more handsome la! =p
(dont perasan ar...)
just to prove that he can carry me even though we're the same weight (ok la! im a few pounds heavier. sheesh!)
he once carried me up a flight of stairs. strong ler...
psst... he's got 6 pack! dun play play...
i seriously have no idea how he eats as much as me and stays skinnier.
chis, bedebah kau.
i like this pic because we both look so greedy!
this was taken at "the ship".
umm... i forgot wad was the occasion. (dun whack me!)
anyways, i asked him to take me to dinner at a place he thought i would like and not tell me which restaurant it is. so he took me here!
damn sad right, have to tell him to surprise me instead of him thinking to surprise me on it own. but nevermind, this is boyfriend training. wtf
this was another one of the pics he developed and sent to me!
he must have thought that he looked so handsome that i would wanna look at a pic that doesnt even have me in it. so perasan! nobody wants to look at you ok! *secretly stares*
this was shaun's 1st time on the plane after goodness knows how many years!
he was quite scared! hahaha... so cute!
sigh, im so used to flying to and fro from kl and kuching that i have sorta lost my fascination in flying.
he was flying to kuching to stay with me and my family!
so sweet right? :D
i love it when we fool around camwhoring.
look at our eye bags! :S
he looks like a monkey in this pic right? right? =p
this was when he sent me off to UK
the last few precious moments were spent fooling around
happy 7th month anniversary bie!
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