i really like this set of pics, the lighting at wagamama was awesome!
there was a queue at wagamama, but nothing as long as the usual queue for jamie's italian. luckily we didnt have to wait long before e were seated and they gave us menus while we were waiting outside so that we could make up our minds and not waste time later.
jonathan is left handed too! :D
the ambience.
tables are set in long rows, canteen style. not exactly easy to climb into our seats since it isnt individual chairs but long benches, but other than that, i have no complaints =p
another menu
i soooo love the lighting :D
makes my skin look so nice. hahahaha~
our drinks
jons food
i forgot what he ordered, but after all the hype that is wagamama, we expected something more snazzy and less char mee looking =p
my plum wine!
i likey coz it was sweet unlike most bitter alcohol =p
my chicken katsu
now this is snazzy! LOL~
i especially liked the sauce and we all agreed that this dish was the best of those we ordered (firdaus ordered the same thing).
false eyelashes really do pop :S
carolines super big bowl or ramen.
im tempted to order this nxt time coz the salmon looked really good :D
we ordered 2 cake to share. the one on top is a chocolate brownie.
this is cheesecake!
we preferred this one =p
then i visited the loo and camwhored there also. wtf
even the lighting in the toilet is good. lol~
the toilet bowl was behind me. wtf
i hung my bag on the hook in the door and put my handphone halfway in my bag to utilize the self-timer function =p
after dinner, we adjourned to copa for drinks
but i didnt drink anymore after my plum wine, i just had cranberry juice =p
firdaus the camera-shy
the only 2 who drank =p
mr. just be friends
i like his shirt! wonder where he got it... should get one for shaun. haha~
if i had photoshop, i would soo get rid of that eyebag.
and that one too. wtf
wine bottle that the previous patrons had but wasnt cleared away.
if u wink one eye and stick ur tongue out, should it be towards the closed eye...
or the open one?
are there rules for this???
then i came home and camwhored summore because im bimbotic like that -_-"
have i mentioned how much i love my coat? =p
and i love this sweater dress/top too!
wannabe fierce look
scared or not? wtf
ass so big, boobs so small. fail. HAHAHAHAHHAHA~
omg, im such an embarassing person.
i had a little fall on the way back.
luckily my mum knows wad a klutz i am and prepared me a mini 1st aid kit.
but this time it was just a small cut, so i didnt need all those bandages and dressings. a dab of savlon would do the trick.
and ta da! im right as rain. wtf
nawwwp.... Amy's not going anywhere! LOL
Merry X'Mas!
i am not mr.just be friends!U PIG!babie got cute face n baby face..hehe <3
ron: wad do u mean im not going anywhere? *confused*
eXtENd: hahaha... im not pig k.
we got a photoshop cd at home.
ohhh... so how does that affect me? u wanna help me photoshop all my pics b4 i post them? :D
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