but first, a few words and random pics.
my recent pictures have been too huge right? they scared even me! but the options for picture sizes on photobucket didnt provide me with much choice. so i switched to flickr.
with a certain burnt cincau's help, i managed to figure out how to use flickr. its slightly more complicated than photobucket, but i guess i'll get used to the workings soon.
random photo #1
my room door
i personalized it :D
not so much for vanity as to make sure that mail sent to my flat would not be thought of as belonging to previous occupants and then opened. (because my english flatmates only know me by 'amy'. and even then, they still cant really tell which one of us is amy and which is rose - my other chinese housemate.
but im not really offended by their inability to distinguish us nor to remember our names coz i dont really chat to them anyway. and i guess asians all look the same to them the way angmohs generally look alike to asians.
taken in min yuen's hse last month
i guess im not much of a hat person :S
im putting the hat pics here coz i've got nowhere else to slot them in and they are really random =p
ok, thats all the random pictures.
now to the real isi of this post. the field!
actually, i dont even know if this field has a name, or if its really a park. because parks usually have paths, rubbish bins n lamp posts right? but this place doesnt. its just a really wide grassy space with sparse folliage. i dont know how to explain it, so just look at the pics and figure it out geniuses.
all pics were taken with my phone.
i think they turned out pretty decent :D
i cross this field to get to cowley road.
its a shortcut but i rarely use it nowadays because the field gets very muddy and soggy when it rains and the water from the mud filters into my boots.
more walking will do me good anyway. i'll not only NOT gain weight, but i'll have killer legs! :D
the land is bigger than any park in kuching.
its quite odd actually, with clumps of trees here and there.
on the perimeter there is some sort of path which is often used by joggers.
the joggers here are really fanatic, they jog rain or shine, no matter how cold it gets, u can always see them.
it was a blustery day.
these were taken last month when it was late autumn.
now, its winter and the trees are nekkid.
literally a carpet of leaves
interesting tree
the sun here now sets at about 4pm and by 5.30, its as dark as night.
i crossed this field at about that time just now, it was soo quiet and dark because there are no lamp posts and few people are in the park after dark.
i was alone in the pitch dark, not really having any real sense of direction beside the general direction i was heading towards.
but instead of feeling afraid, i felt strangely calm. i guess im braver when im alone. does that even make sense?
for example, if i had a friend, i would feed off their fear and feel afraid too.
i was quite amazed at myself for not feeling afraid. but its not the 1st time i crossed this field alone in the dark anyway.
i know i said sparse foliage, but most of the trees grew at the perimeter of the field and thats where pics had the forest-y feel, so i took more pics there thus misleading u to think that the field was covered with trees. (if it was, i'd call it forest, not field la!)
this is what it mostly looks like.
full of grass with clumps of trees.
flower :)
blurry pic
the shops and houses in the distance
another blurry pic.
but i like it coz it looks like a watercolour!
(and yes, those are people)
see if u can spot the guy under the tree with his dog!
clearer? not really. lol~
more little ppl in the distance
trees on the edges of the field
im getting closer to the shops n houses
marsh. wtf
i dont know what that is, but it grew in the middle of the field :S
another angle.
thats all the pics i have of the field!
i might take pics of it again when it gets covered in snow! ;)
omg how many megapixels does your phone have??
nice pics@
2.0 megapixels only. lol~
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