so i shall remedy that by sucking up all your bandwidths now. muahaha~~
not that many pictures actually (as compared to the gargantuan amount that i used to post), just 48. this is less than half of the pictures we took. i'll post all the rest next time. you have been warned =p
bernie went all the way down to london from manchester and since he was in london, instead of coming down again just to visit oxford, he came to visit oxford after a tiny lodge reunion at london.
we arrived pretty late, so he just curled up in a borrowed sleeping bed and we left the sight-seeing for the next day.
this is the lovely bridge that connects 2 sides of the hill. under it is just traffic.
when i first arrived, i liked this bridge very much because it looked so English. but with the snow on it, it looks even prettier! :D
we were supposed to wake up bright and early, but by the time we left my place, it was already 11 something. i tell you, bernie is a worse procrastinator than me!
this is the garden of my uni's office-building-that-used-to-be-a-mansion-of-a-wealthy-man.
same picture, just that the above was taken horizontally and this is vertical.
i loveeeeee this picture!
just look at the blue of the sky, the green of the trees and the white of the snow!
bernie's turn
as if its his house. lol!
so small in the vast garden...
a little bigger now! wtf
this was taken in the grandstaircase of the mansion
many many steps!
the most awesome hot chocolate ever can be found in my university cafeteria!
he initially was reluctant to try it, but after i described it, he tried it and proclaimed it the best hot chocolate he has ever tasted. muahaha~
i can drink this any day, anytime (as long as the cafeteria is open)! *gloats*
rich hot chocolate with a layer of tiny melting marshmallows in between the hot chocolate and creamy whipped cream. topped with a sprinkling of cocoa powder and accompanied with a chocolate flake that you may melt into the drink. oh yes, and it comes with a free cookie too!
i find the most delicious part of the hot chocolate has to be the chocolate flake. it melts very slowly and if you stir it in the drink then suck at the chocolate, it kinda melts into your mouth with bits of solid chocolate. omg, its so awesome, i dont know how to properly describe it. and the tiny marshmallows in the drink are so delicious half-melted!
damn, now im craving for some -_-"
remember the bridge picture?
this is the path that leads up the hill
bernie has a strange attachment to the bridge =p
but pictures cant quite portray the feeling the bridge evokes.
in a park near the bridge.
the snow brings such beauty :D
fooling around
being silly
damn, if only i had one of those canggih manggih cameras, then you could see how beautiful this shot should have been.
the barren tree was very majestic.
poser. fail.
the sad tree, coz all its branches were drooping.
we walked down to cowley and we passed by a games shop that excited bernie quite alot. haih, he's a geek like that.
ok fine, it excited me too. =p
but boardgames are fun!
bernie keeps asking me to buy the Ming dynasty game on the right.
celaka, u think i dunno your plan mer? wanna play for free? buy yourself la! =p
i wavered between buying the "articulate" u see on the upper right hand corner and "masquerade".
they're both basically the same, just that with "articulate" you use words to describe another word, and in "masquerade", you use actions.
bernie trying to hit on the woman but she ignored him and picked up an imaginary phonecall. wtf
jk, he was asking about some lord of the rings game.
i quite regret buying masquerade now though.
its so damn difficult! it has sayings and proverbs that are extremely rarely used. summore have to act it out!
dont believe me? try acting these out:
"a busman on holiday" (??!!)
"getting lucky with heather"
"playing gooseberry"
"adding the finishing touches"
"sarcasm" (wtf?? how to act out sarcasm???)
sigh, i think i'll use the cards to play "taboo" instead. even then, it'll be so difficult :S
anybody with pawhwer english wanna try playing?
coolest heater that i've seen so far. it has real fire in it! *sakai*
a church i think.
the buildings here are just so so prettily english!
ice-cream shop where we ended up eating lunch coz we were too hungry to go on walking.
batik cake!
but its called tiffin here. so expensive! in kuching can get one slice for like 50sen.
bagel area
old school
horribly unflattering super hungry photo
lychee and i think the other one is oxford blue, although its obviously purple :S
we had to take pictures discreetly coz we werent allowed to take pictures in the shop. hence the odd angle.
and thats all the pics for now!
await more bandwidth sucking! =p
i love the bridge photo la...its just so fantasy like haha
oh and thx for uploading all of this but would be easier to get it off flicker?
I noticed Bernie takes more pics than u... hahaha
ermmm well i was the tourist lol....u see me taking many pics of myself in manc meh?
nice pics bernie!
Id love to go to the Inns to see what it is like... one day one day...
Do u know if u need to be a law student at the Inns to enter the area?
no, B, jst a lot in this post :P
b.p: chat to me online. i'll send u the flikr link.
ron: inns got no connection to this post ler -_-''
and i have no idea =p
it was a bad face day. LOL
sardine: wtf u mean nice pics BERNIE??? who was the one who took them huh huh?
some sardines... =p
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