there are nearly 110 pictures, so to those of you with limited bandwidth... blame bernie!
it took me over half an hour just transferring the html of the pictures from flickr to blogger T.T
i'll pick up where i left off on the previous post.
after lunch, we walked to the city centre
all these are sights along the way
if im not mistaken, this is the botanical gardens.
fancy going in winter -_-"
im gonna wait a few few weeks then go back when all the flowers are in full bloom!
i bet it'll be breathtakingly gorgeous! *excited*
mini maze of hedges
this is bernie's beloved hat.
he says its the only hat he's ever looked good in.
these are my beloved earmuffs!
im missing wearing them already. they double as a headband too! lol~
the half-frozen lake
the stupid boy kept trying to step on the ice.
damn suicidal.
either that or god complex. wtf
and his fascination with the ice continues...
emo because he just realized that he's not god and therefore cant walk on ice.
the leaning tree of oxford =p
i like this mini bridge!
anyone remember this pic?
or was it this one...
random huge vase
spot the amy
i think this shot would have been much nicer with the right camera :(
see the stripes of soil?
now imagine loads of beautiful, colourful, radiant flowers blooming!
i think this alcove was meant for a statute =p
some kinda wierd tree...
see the tree in the background perfectly framed by the foliage in the foreground?
this bernie, spoil pictures only. haih.
i have no idea what field is for, but its quite secluded.
i think the building at the back is christchurch.
being a fool
i started to drizzle, so i put my hood on.
it looks totally wierd, but at times, practicality triumphs.
i think this was a uni.
cant remember the name though.
no access
stella hates it when i go into strange alleys, but bernie revels in them.
dunno wad building.
bodleian library
its huge. there are so many different blocks to the library and in one of these is the location where harry potter was filmed.
too bad we couldnt find it -_-"
the buildings in this area are just so english!
bernie being a pompous old fart. wtf
i always thought this building was interesting :D
its cylindrical and set apart from the rest of the buildings.
i was allowed inside because i had a library card, but bernie had to hang around outside while i sneakily took some pics for him.
i like the ceiling :)
view from the top of the stairs.
that guy checks everyone's library card as they enter.
i u wanna know why notre dame didnt impress me THAT much, it because there are buildings like this a dime a dozen in the city centre.
christchurch is b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l
and also freaking huge. i pity students who are late. have to run like marathon. wtf
i love the colour of the sky in this pic!
yes, this is still christchurch. wtf
bernie has a fascination with this staircase.
i think it was also one of the locations where harry potter was filmed,
the great hall in harry potter.
the tables were set.
im not sure if they are always set, or if it was because they were gonna have a dinner there that night.
when i was younger, i used to have a thing for stained glass windows. i think i still do :)
the table where the teachers sat!
he just couldnt get enough of the staircase -_-
ok, final picture of christchurch.
lets ignore that head, spoil the picture only. but the top part looks so magical right?? right!
a spontaneous shot.
i likey!!!
eh no, this is baru the last picture of christchurch.
see the warden? if not for me being a student at brookes, we would have had to pay the visitors fee! bernie, if i ever go to manchester... u know what to do la =p
love the colour of the sky!
it was nearing dinner time and we were hungry, but we were waiting for my friends, so to momentarily dispel our hunger, we had crepes! omg, damn chocolatey! definitely needed water halfway through!
perfect setting for horror movie.
this is the psycho killer!
and we reached jamies!
bernie was so excited to try the truffle tagliatelle!
it was a bad face day :(
vainass wanted another solo shot
then he curi curi took pics of the kitchen
i see u not using gloves!
we were seated downstairs this restaurant seems to have alot of hidden eating areas!
not exactly hidden la. but just areas i didnt know about.
sinks in the loo
the waitress put those two cans on the table and for a moment, bernie and i were confused.
then she put this plank on the cans and we suddenly understood. lol~
our antipasti!
our favourite is the pistachio meat!
our food
i had wild mushroom ravioli since i've ordered the truffle tagliatelle twice before.
but i regretted it because although it was nice, the truffle tagliatelle is still yummier.
ta da!
the delicious truffle tagliatelle!
damn... this picture makes me wanna go back there again... but i cant because im broke T_T
the end!
OMGOSH THX amuuu! and yes the trufffle tag was seriously.
come manc then ill do a post for u k!?
haha... ok! but have to wait till after exams.
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