i have decided to stay single for now. no more relationships, no more dating, no more flirting, no more drama.
jo, are u proud? wtf
and when i do decide to allow myself into the ocean again, i'll be very very selective and not just settle.

i will allow myself to properly heal from my 1st love before committing myself again.
and i am determined to COMPLETELY heal this time.
no more heavy baggage.
bye boys! wtf
kudos to that LOL
OMG I AM SOOOO IN SUPPORT OF THIS!! i think you really need it! haha, you better keep you word.. if not i will hunt you down and make you buy me dimsum.. good idea bwahaha..
eh.. let me try and be you. "...if not i will hunt you down and make you buy me dimsum WTF.." wakakaka.. i'm damm random.
but yah, good luck! am proud of your decision. :)
p.s. am awake sooo late assignment-ing.. am so doomed!!!!
u clash already??..sob,so,sob,...can u pass him 2 me??..hoooo
gedineho: lol! *high 5*
jo: aiyah, u study too hard =p
the 'wtf' is so addictive right??
i'll try to stick to it la, no choice coz its published out like this already mar. haha~
futurelawyerinc: -___-"
FutureLawyerInc:lol...hi btw :)
maybe i should set up a dating service. wtf
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