the pics are from a forwarded email. hope you enjoy them ;)

damn artistic wei

i dunno how are they gonna close this one...

or this..

looks more like a flower arrangement! lol~

so cute!

i wonder what the blue waves are made of...

haha... so cutey

~the end~
aww how adorable! especially the piggy one =D i cant believe the day i will make something liek that sure need skillz one haha
haha... but yours are already damn nice!
the windows xp display one looks awesome but doesnt look very yummy cause of the massive amount of rice the "monitor" has.. so much rice but not much "liao".. haha.
anyway, a lot of people dont have to cover their bento boxes cause they syok sendiri make bentos and eat them at home. lol..
HAHAHA... u mean you? =p
i have another mona lisa one. DAMN COOL. but it disappeared and im lazy to upload it again =p
ahha hilarious! omg..eating by yourself at home is sad...i bring it to uni to make myself happier i don hve to pay freakintg $10 for some crappy lunch that is probably too big for me to finish anyway :P ahah taking a break from bento making! my mum not yet send me money so im so freaking broke you cannot imagine and im suffocating under the weight of all my assignments O_O
but yes bento making will start again this week coz unis starting! :P
aww... kambate! :D
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