and i discovered this a few minutes after i had put the cake mixture into the oven to bake, after i had washed up. this meant that i good portion of batter had already leaked away onto the grill tray.
for a minute, i stoned. what do i do??? take the tin out again and put the batter where? i only have one cake tin.
for a moment i considered pretending i didnt see anything and just hoping that the batter will solidify soon and stop leaking out.
but cakes dont work that way :(
so i took the tin out, transferred the batter to a casserole bowl and chucked it back into the oven. i hope this works *fingers crossed*
and lookie what i spotted on "the sartorialist":
does he not look absolutely delish??
im not a big fan of his shoes... but just look at that FACE.
mildly harry potter-ish but with a smirk.
when i 1st saw the picture, i wasnt sure if it were male or female. but now im quite sure this gorgeous specimen is male.
i prefer oriental guys to ang mohs, but man... this guy would give any oriental a run for their money!
ok, enough drooling.
time to check up on my cake :S
im back. it looks like its doing alright, just a little on the small side. not so surprising since alot of the batter had leaked out. *phew*
im back again. i went to my friend's place. brought the cake along. it was awesome possum!!! :D
are you kidding me
what what
are u kidding me too....
u sesat!
hi5 eXtENd
amy you blind la wth he looks so gay
maybe he is *shrugs*
does it matter?
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