taken on the way to 'regal'.
it was my 1st time there, but i didnt take any pics in the club. so no hot sweaty girls in skimpy clothes for u guys =p
jia xin n i
i tell u, its damn hard to take pics in a moving bus especially if your camera is as slow as my phone!
i had no time to camwhore before clubbing, so i camwhored after =p
im trying out the favourite pose of a certain female blogger. can u guess who? ;)
like the top? it can be worn in about 6 ways!
(thanks shaun!)
no more captions for the next few pics because they are just standard camwhoring pics =p
see val, i wore your necklace! am loving it! :D
new tights from H&M
*EDIT* opps, they're from uniqlo actually =p
i have a thing for tights and over knee socks :S
chocolate cake and strawberries!
sometimes strawberries can be a tad sour, so this time, instead of drizzling honey over them, i smothered them with chocolate cake! yums!
(thanks to ybing for the cake!)
purplish plants i found near my flat.
my phone camera quite fails at close-ups :(
snow flowers!
so gorgeous!
soo white~~
can u spot something that doesnt quite belong in the picture?
i was walking through the field on the way back from work when i spotted it.
its a ball-like ornament hanging from the tree!
damn random kan?
y suddenly got an ornament on a tree in a field? :S
fresh new leaves of spring
if u look closely, u will see that the whole tree is blooming.
(im not sure if u can use the word "bloom" for trees, but i cant think of any other word...)
a couple shisha-ing in the field.
damn syok lor them. enjoy betul.
but i kinda suspect it wasnt shisha flavours that they were using, but weed.
thats why i took the picture when i was far away from them, hence the bad zoom quality.
jeepers creepers. wtf
such an autumn-ish picture. hehe~
currently, these are the only pair of over knee socks i own.
outfit of the day for i-forgot-which-day
sorry my mirror is dirty *paiseh*
cherie! i took this picture just for you!
i was totally reminded of how retarded you are when i saw this bag! :D
tell me again what is the origin of the phrase 'bah humbug'? LOL!
oh oh oh, we did that bah humbug thing. in ms ng's class. or whatever her name was
sexynya u in the purple top n the long socks :)
u buy ofcoz u like la! HAHA
lol perasan :D
YOU perasan =p
remember me?
anyway, spring there is awesome! i heard ppl picnic randomly around campus's ground. Haha..
i think u sud use abit brownish eye shadow on ur eye lid from the side of ur eyes to make ur eyes look bigger. u have a pair of beautiful eyes.. light shadow wud just cover it all up. do try yea and take some pic let me see..
or try watching tyra bank's tips on quick make up..
have a fun spring!
ofcourse i remember you! awhile back, i tried accessing your blog but it was set to private :(
im glad its public now :D
and spring here IS AWESOME POSSUM! its exam season here and we have no more classes, so they picnic and play frisbee in the fields instead. i am soo gonna do that after my exams in may!
i'll definitely try your tip the next chance i get! also i just bought a bourjois super dark purple eyeshadow that im just dying to try! imma go google her tips now!
u have fun too :D
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