in case any of u dont know, IF i manage to pass all my exams, i'll be leaving for UK in sept.
however, my term will end in may, so i'll be leaving kl for kuching in may.
this means that i'll be parting with all the friends that i've met here (excluding my classmates coz we'll all be going to oxford brookes for our final year), in less than 2 months time.
a question that i've been getting alot is "arent u excited to go?"
honestly, the answer is : not really.
i mean hey, its not like this is the 1st time im gonna be away from home.
it'll just be the same thing all over again. except maybe for the accent, skin colour and food.
i, like many kuchingnites away from home have gotten accustomed to not being able to eat the food i love, such as kolo mee or sarawak laksa. so uk to me will be the same except that this time, indomee, nasi lemak and ramly burgers will also be cut from the list.
but maybe its because the whole move still seems distant. maybe its part of my subconscious preventing myself from disappointment in case i fail any subjects and have to repeat them here.
i used to view going overseas to study as such a big deal. now i view it as just another step in life. just something that is in the order of things.
which leads me to ponder how mapped out our lives are. the sequence for me had always been kindy, primary school, secondary, college, university overseas, then work.
i never even considered stopping anywhere in between to start work 1st. it was like i could only work after i had gotten a degree. there was no other option.
but thats soo untrue, there are plenty of options. and when i meet ppl who had the choice of whether to continue their studies or to work, and they chose to work, i respect that. because i feel that they have made the braver choice. they took a risk, while im staying on the well-worn track.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
sweltering heat!
its so freaking hot today! its insane!
usually when im in my room, the fan suffices (see... im so eco friendly =p), but today, it just wasnt enough! so i had to on the aircon all day :(
as if my skin isnt dry enough! bah!
its been so so hot recently! im sorry that im very out of touch with current issues, but is it the el nino season now?
must drink more water! bah, this means i'll be visiting the toilet more often too :(
usually when im in my room, the fan suffices (see... im so eco friendly =p), but today, it just wasnt enough! so i had to on the aircon all day :(
as if my skin isnt dry enough! bah!
its been so so hot recently! im sorry that im very out of touch with current issues, but is it the el nino season now?
must drink more water! bah, this means i'll be visiting the toilet more often too :(
blister n old pics
i've got a blister forming on my right big toe.
its not yet formed, but i can feel it already... i guess its the long hours in heels :(
i hope it heals soon... real soon. i hate blisters.
a smelly sardine blogged about me here.
i love the picture that she posted up :D
we were fooling around in my "twin-by-name's" house during CNY in '07 when that picture was taken :D
i miss those days :(
here r a few more pics that we took on the same day:

such ANTM wannabe's!
but i absolutely love those pics!!! :D
its not yet formed, but i can feel it already... i guess its the long hours in heels :(
i hope it heals soon... real soon. i hate blisters.
a smelly sardine blogged about me here.
i love the picture that she posted up :D
we were fooling around in my "twin-by-name's" house during CNY in '07 when that picture was taken :D
i miss those days :(
here r a few more pics that we took on the same day:
such ANTM wannabe's!
but i absolutely love those pics!!! :D
Friday, March 28, 2008
morning exercise
firstly, i should clarify that i do not appreciate non-consensual morning exercise.
and the second thing that i wish to emphasize, is that 8am is damn early ok!
so here is the story:
i woke up at 8am, got ready for class, walked all the way to class under the merciless sun (yes, it was shining like nobody's business at 8.55am), only to reach kdu and be told that class has been cancelled. *pengsan*
so now here i am, ranting in my air conditioned room and still sweating likean edine a pig. btw, do pigs really sweat that much?
end of rant.
hmm... thats a pretty short rant by my standards. maybe its because im hungry again and have no energy to be mad :(
and the second thing that i wish to emphasize, is that 8am is damn early ok!
so here is the story:
i woke up at 8am, got ready for class, walked all the way to class under the merciless sun (yes, it was shining like nobody's business at 8.55am), only to reach kdu and be told that class has been cancelled. *pengsan*
so now here i am, ranting in my air conditioned room and still sweating like
end of rant.
hmm... thats a pretty short rant by my standards. maybe its because im hungry again and have no energy to be mad :(
Thursday, March 27, 2008
food in my tummy
i have a theory that the more i eat, the hungrier i'll get.
for lunch, i ate this huge-ass plate of char siew that cost me $10 excluding the hakka mee, and by 6pm, i was ravenous! its crazy!!!
sometimes i marvel at my stomach's capacity. all the girls were so amazed that i managed to down the whole freaking plate -_-"
the char siew place is at aman suria, but i dunno the name of the shop. the small plate cost $3, medium= $10 and large was $15. i felt so ripped off coz the medium that i ate was just slightly more than 2 plates of the small, meaning it should have cost $7 at most. whatever happened to stuff being cheaper when u buy in bulk??? summore i was trying to save money :( IMHO the char siew wasnt THAT great anyway (that doesnt mean that it was bad though, it was just slightly better than average).
on the other hand, sometimes when i go to bed at about 3am and wakeup at about 3pm, i can tahan all the way till dinner time without the "super hungry" feeling. hmm... i should do this more often la... save money! haha~
speaking of saving money, im super kao broke. i wanna eat steamboat with frens, but... *le sigh*
for lunch, i ate this huge-ass plate of char siew that cost me $10 excluding the hakka mee, and by 6pm, i was ravenous! its crazy!!!
sometimes i marvel at my stomach's capacity. all the girls were so amazed that i managed to down the whole freaking plate -_-"
the char siew place is at aman suria, but i dunno the name of the shop. the small plate cost $3, medium= $10 and large was $15. i felt so ripped off coz the medium that i ate was just slightly more than 2 plates of the small, meaning it should have cost $7 at most. whatever happened to stuff being cheaper when u buy in bulk??? summore i was trying to save money :( IMHO the char siew wasnt THAT great anyway (that doesnt mean that it was bad though, it was just slightly better than average).
on the other hand, sometimes when i go to bed at about 3am and wakeup at about 3pm, i can tahan all the way till dinner time without the "super hungry" feeling. hmm... i should do this more often la... save money! haha~
speaking of saving money, im super kao broke. i wanna eat steamboat with frens, but... *le sigh*
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
unrelated stuff
so here's the free baby tee that i got from pull and bear:

the top was freesize... however, i found it kinda tight.
note to self: stop eating out and start cooking again dammit!

it says: yeah! i buy at pull and bear
and remember i said that they told us its limited edition right?

they weren't kidding -_-"
but regardless that its kinda tight and alot of people in college now own the exact same shirt, im liking it very much :D
the top was freesize... however, i found it kinda tight.
note to self: stop eating out and start cooking again dammit!
it says: yeah! i buy at pull and bear
and remember i said that they told us its limited edition right?
they weren't kidding -_-"
but regardless that its kinda tight and alot of people in college now own the exact same shirt, im liking it very much :D
it been nearly a year, and i still cant let go. every insult and mocking word still cuts through me as heart wrenchingly as it ever did.
how do i describe the feeling that i get every time it happens...
its like all my breath gets knocked out of me and im left gasping and tearing, all my joy and confidence suddenly stripped bare, and im defenseless against the onslaught of your fury and utter disdain.
something went very very wrong. april 2007 was the catalyst that started this destructive spiral. when is it going to end? when is it going to get better?
i know now that u will never understand and it was foolish of me to expect u too.
a motto im trying very hard to live by: protect your heart above all else
emo emo emo
how do i describe the feeling that i get every time it happens...
its like all my breath gets knocked out of me and im left gasping and tearing, all my joy and confidence suddenly stripped bare, and im defenseless against the onslaught of your fury and utter disdain.
something went very very wrong. april 2007 was the catalyst that started this destructive spiral. when is it going to end? when is it going to get better?
i know now that u will never understand and it was foolish of me to expect u too.
a motto im trying very hard to live by: protect your heart above all else
emo emo emo
Monday, March 24, 2008
charmaine, resh, karen n i went for dinner at murni just now.
we were all psyched because we were gonna try out stuff that we hadnt ordered before :D
coz usually we stick to the roti-s such as roti hawaii and roti ayam, but this time we tried the nasi goreng-s.
karen brought her cam and well... u get the picture (pun intended! =p)
its late, so more pics n less words :)

the dork says hi :)

karen n charmaine

resh, karen n char

actually they were just testing out the lighting in this photo =p

the lighting was good, so they chased me off and sat at my seat :(

wherever i am, the lighting is good! =p

my nasi goreng lamb chop ($13)

resh's nasi goreng maryland

karen's nasi goreng chicken chop
opps, dunno where the pic with char's nasi goreng napoleon went...

this pic is wierd... im not sure why though...

ta da! her's was the most expensive... $15

greedy ppl...

pink panther
char n resh ordered this.
its delicious and consists of everything pink! definitely a girls drink =p

they all finished eating and started camwhoring...

i told u im a slow eater!

i finally finished!

so asyik with her drink...

then i got hold of the cam!

i like the effect, with the motion in the background =p

charmaine n resh's fingers

then mine joins in on the fun!

now its only resh n i... guess which hand/finger belongs to who! haha~

then they wanted me to mimic karen's pose...

very obviously not candid, but quite similar, considering that i didnt get a glimpse of the photo prior to posing =p
ok, gtg to bed!
we were all psyched because we were gonna try out stuff that we hadnt ordered before :D
coz usually we stick to the roti-s such as roti hawaii and roti ayam, but this time we tried the nasi goreng-s.
karen brought her cam and well... u get the picture (pun intended! =p)
its late, so more pics n less words :)
the dork says hi :)
karen n charmaine
resh, karen n char
actually they were just testing out the lighting in this photo =p
the lighting was good, so they chased me off and sat at my seat :(
wherever i am, the lighting is good! =p
my nasi goreng lamb chop ($13)
resh's nasi goreng maryland
karen's nasi goreng chicken chop
opps, dunno where the pic with char's nasi goreng napoleon went...
this pic is wierd... im not sure why though...
ta da! her's was the most expensive... $15
greedy ppl...
pink panther
char n resh ordered this.
its delicious and consists of everything pink! definitely a girls drink =p
they all finished eating and started camwhoring...
i told u im a slow eater!
i finally finished!
so asyik with her drink...
then i got hold of the cam!
i like the effect, with the motion in the background =p
charmaine n resh's fingers
then mine joins in on the fun!
now its only resh n i... guess which hand/finger belongs to who! haha~
then they wanted me to mimic karen's pose...
very obviously not candid, but quite similar, considering that i didnt get a glimpse of the photo prior to posing =p
ok, gtg to bed!
a chance to camwhore
today, there was a promotion in college (actually, there were several promotions, but i only cared about this one, coz they were giving out a free t-shirt!)
the promotion was by "pull and bear". all we had to do was fill in our details and take 3 photos. the best photo would be printed out and given back to us. then, we had to bring our photo to "pull and bear" to redeem a limited edition shirt :D
besides that, all photos would be automatically entered into a competition, where the photo which best represents the spirit of "pull and bear" will be chosen. there are 3 prizes, but i cant remember the exact details =p
and unlike most other competitions where they take one shot of u and thats it, if the photo is crap, too bad; they allowed us to take 3 shots, and the best one would be chosen :D
how great is this, not only am i given a free shirt, i can even do my favourite sport (camwhoring is a sport ok! what do u know =p) shamelessly in front of passerbys, for a legitimate reason!
"pull and bear" is a Brazilian brand that just reached our shores recently, their outlets can be found in 1u and pavillion -just a little trivia i received from the guy in charge of the promotion ;)

ta da!
IMHO, its a nice picture, but it doesnt stand out the way a winning picture should. oh well, there go my chances of winning cash!
i know i've mentioned this before, but i really love the top im wearing :D
it says : "you belong in fantasyland if you think you can be with me"
my momma got it for me during our trip to disneyland in hong kong last year! *grins*
the promotion was by "pull and bear". all we had to do was fill in our details and take 3 photos. the best photo would be printed out and given back to us. then, we had to bring our photo to "pull and bear" to redeem a limited edition shirt :D
besides that, all photos would be automatically entered into a competition, where the photo which best represents the spirit of "pull and bear" will be chosen. there are 3 prizes, but i cant remember the exact details =p
and unlike most other competitions where they take one shot of u and thats it, if the photo is crap, too bad; they allowed us to take 3 shots, and the best one would be chosen :D
how great is this, not only am i given a free shirt, i can even do my favourite sport (camwhoring is a sport ok! what do u know =p) shamelessly in front of passerbys, for a legitimate reason!
"pull and bear" is a Brazilian brand that just reached our shores recently, their outlets can be found in 1u and pavillion -just a little trivia i received from the guy in charge of the promotion ;)
ta da!
IMHO, its a nice picture, but it doesnt stand out the way a winning picture should. oh well, there go my chances of winning cash!
i know i've mentioned this before, but i really love the top im wearing :D
it says : "you belong in fantasyland if you think you can be with me"
my momma got it for me during our trip to disneyland in hong kong last year! *grins*
Sunday, March 23, 2008
surprise surprise
i was awoken by resh this morning, she came to tell me that my new housemates were moving into the room nxt to mine.
1st surprise: i saw wes (the agent for the house) the day before yesterday, he did not mention ANYTHING about new housemates.
2nd surprise: the new housemates are 2 GUYS.
about the 1st surprise, is wes a complete idiot??? did he not think that it would have been a courtesy to at least warn me that ppl were moving into the room nxt to mine soon? afterall, we have to share an adjoining bathroom!
secondly, those are guys! if they were girls, i wouldnt have minded the lack of warning quite so much, but those are GUYS. i was in my freaking nighties WITHOUT A BRA, when i met them. thank you so much for the warning wes. *curse curse curse*
he should have at least asked me if i minded sharing a bathroom with guys. actually i dont mind so much la, but what i do mind is that he should have bothered to ASK.
now that there are guys in the house, i can already feel the walls of restriction closing in on me. for starters, i can no longer wander around bra-less, nor shorts-less, nor leave my door ajar for karen or resh to enter while im in various stages of undress. ugh!
plus, there will be the toilet seat war. ideally, the guy should lift the toilet seat to pee and put it back down when he's done. but just now, i went to the toilet on 2 separate occasions, the 1st time, the toilet seat was left up, the 2nd time, the toilet seat was wet. for their sake, that had better just be water. *glare*
i sound so anal. haha~
oh ya, and i'll have to start remembering to lock and unlock the toilet doors again. crap.
but the guys seem friendly enough, lets hope they stay that way =p
and in case you're wondering, no they're not cute. (darn!)
1st surprise: i saw wes (the agent for the house) the day before yesterday, he did not mention ANYTHING about new housemates.
2nd surprise: the new housemates are 2 GUYS.
about the 1st surprise, is wes a complete idiot??? did he not think that it would have been a courtesy to at least warn me that ppl were moving into the room nxt to mine soon? afterall, we have to share an adjoining bathroom!
secondly, those are guys! if they were girls, i wouldnt have minded the lack of warning quite so much, but those are GUYS. i was in my freaking nighties WITHOUT A BRA, when i met them. thank you so much for the warning wes. *curse curse curse*
he should have at least asked me if i minded sharing a bathroom with guys. actually i dont mind so much la, but what i do mind is that he should have bothered to ASK.
now that there are guys in the house, i can already feel the walls of restriction closing in on me. for starters, i can no longer wander around bra-less, nor shorts-less, nor leave my door ajar for karen or resh to enter while im in various stages of undress. ugh!
plus, there will be the toilet seat war. ideally, the guy should lift the toilet seat to pee and put it back down when he's done. but just now, i went to the toilet on 2 separate occasions, the 1st time, the toilet seat was left up, the 2nd time, the toilet seat was wet. for their sake, that had better just be water. *glare*
i sound so anal. haha~
oh ya, and i'll have to start remembering to lock and unlock the toilet doors again. crap.
but the guys seem friendly enough, lets hope they stay that way =p
and in case you're wondering, no they're not cute. (darn!)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
sharing the joy
yesterday, i was a happy happy girl :D
yesterday was also the day i collected the ielts results.

the chop was smudged by droplets of water T_T
it was my ielts results (sans the smudge) that made me a happy happy girl *grins widely*
band 8!!! (all u ppl that got above that can go pang sai)
for those who dont understand the marking scheme, it starts from band 1 to band 9.
band one being the worst, improving all the way to band 9.
the requirement of my course is to achieve at least a band 6.5
the requirement for sitting for the Bar in UK is band 8.
so... im safe!
and ofcoz now i feel damn keng. omg, i shall bask in my own glorious genius for the nxt few days and be insufferable to all those around me. HAHA~
ofcourse if i had a band 8.5, i wouldnt be complaining either =p
celaka... my writing skills so bad mer? hmm... must be my spelling. or maybe its coz my ideas come out in an utterly disorganized fashion. much like what goes on inside my head. apparently keeping a blog has not helped my writing skills. maybe its because i write in any way i please and also spell anyway i please. haha~
oh wait, the title is sharing the joy. so im supposed to be joyful and not complain about trivial matters.
im so so happy!!! *sigh* y am i so smart? *gloats* wtf
i was so happy that i chia-ed jo and caroline eventho im perpetually broke.actually caroline kept bugging me for it =p
oh ya, speaking of english, a girl from my dancing school which i've barely kept in touch with over the years, suddenly spoke to me on msn recently. she wanted me to check her assignment -_-"
so since i was quite honoured that she asked me to check it for her and also cozim naturally damn nice she used to be a close friend in dancing class, i helped her with it. but actually i have udang di sebalik batu, coz when i help ppl with their work, they feel super grateful to me and nxt time i need help... muahaha~ i get to read about different subjects (her topic was on outsourcing) and also practice my own english.
ok la, thats all just an excuse, i rather do other ppls work than study. wtf
seriously la, everytime i think to myself that i should study, my brain will switch off. my consti exam is nxt month and my finals are in may, wth am i doing going out nearly every night??? *slaps self*
haih, i keep straying away from the title.
psst... this week i mite be going to zouk again =p
yesterday was also the day i collected the ielts results.
the chop was smudged by droplets of water T_T
it was my ielts results (sans the smudge) that made me a happy happy girl *grins widely*
band 8!!! (all u ppl that got above that can go pang sai)
for those who dont understand the marking scheme, it starts from band 1 to band 9.
band one being the worst, improving all the way to band 9.
the requirement of my course is to achieve at least a band 6.5
the requirement for sitting for the Bar in UK is band 8.
so... im safe!
and ofcoz now i feel damn keng. omg, i shall bask in my own glorious genius for the nxt few days and be insufferable to all those around me. HAHA~
ofcourse if i had a band 8.5, i wouldnt be complaining either =p
celaka... my writing skills so bad mer? hmm... must be my spelling. or maybe its coz my ideas come out in an utterly disorganized fashion. much like what goes on inside my head. apparently keeping a blog has not helped my writing skills. maybe its because i write in any way i please and also spell anyway i please. haha~
oh wait, the title is sharing the joy. so im supposed to be joyful and not complain about trivial matters.
im so so happy!!! *sigh* y am i so smart? *gloats* wtf
i was so happy that i chia-ed jo and caroline eventho im perpetually broke.
oh ya, speaking of english, a girl from my dancing school which i've barely kept in touch with over the years, suddenly spoke to me on msn recently. she wanted me to check her assignment -_-"
so since i was quite honoured that she asked me to check it for her and also coz
ok la, thats all just an excuse, i rather do other ppls work than study. wtf
seriously la, everytime i think to myself that i should study, my brain will switch off. my consti exam is nxt month and my finals are in may, wth am i doing going out nearly every night??? *slaps self*
haih, i keep straying away from the title.
psst... this week i mite be going to zouk again =p
Friday, March 21, 2008
tag tag!
i got tagged by yipguseng! (he's number 12 below)
im so nice, i wont tag anyone. just do it if u want to *smiles sweetly*
*edit* i dunno why the last 3 names are in a different colour. it wasnt done on purpose.
~~Begin Copy~~
This is the easy way and the fastest way to :
1. Make your Authority Technorati explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank. (this is seriously don’t know will or will not)
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Makes more new friends.
Rules :
1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can.
1. Picturing of Life
2. Juliana’s Site
3. Hazel-My Life, My Hope, My Future.
4. Jeanne-The Callalily Space
5. Shower Your Children With Love - The Right Way
6. Life’s a journey, not a destination
7. Simple Life
8. Life is beautiful; Life is love
9. This is a miracle…
10. Project Heavy Traffic
12. Boonage
13. amb3r1te
~~End Copy~~
im so nice, i wont tag anyone. just do it if u want to *smiles sweetly*
*edit* i dunno why the last 3 names are in a different colour. it wasnt done on purpose.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
ah long
just got back from watching ah long pte ltd.
its hilarious :D
im kinda helping my friend right now, its long distance relationship problems. something im rather familiar with.
x wants me to talk to y on x's behalf. i really do wanna help x, but i dont know y and y might be apprehensive of a stranger like me. plus a part of me tells me that i shouldnt get involved. *sigh sigh*
but i hate seeing any of my friends heartbroken :(
here goes nothing...
its hilarious :D
im kinda helping my friend right now, its long distance relationship problems. something im rather familiar with.
x wants me to talk to y on x's behalf. i really do wanna help x, but i dont know y and y might be apprehensive of a stranger like me. plus a part of me tells me that i shouldnt get involved. *sigh sigh*
but i hate seeing any of my friends heartbroken :(
here goes nothing...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
nuffnang pyjama party! (part 2)
feel free to grab any pics, but do lemme know when you do! :)
and so the evening wore on...
some of the pics i have of the ongoings on the stage are really bad coz of the colouring, and they're also mostly rather blur, and i know rubbish about photoshop, so i cant fix them. bear with me =p

liang working the crowd

im so so sorry, but i lost their urls :(
its because i was saving all the urls into txt msges. but this round of urls, i forgot to save before replying my friend's sms, so i lost all the urls. i know, im such a genius -_-"
if any of u know their urls, pls lemme know :)

ming n timothy giving their speeches

the nuffnang crew
*sigh* i know my pics are crappy, but still i'll post 'em up coz I took them =p

i met dave at the party!
he doesnt blog at all, but he was the guest of his friend that does blog.

people upstairs

random picture

he's from swak too!

may leng AKA doink

umm... i kinda lost their urls too :(
i was just walking past them group of guys, then i suddenly felt brave and said hi to one of them and soon got all their urls. *feels proud of spontaneous courage*
but i lost the urls anyway :(

the only one i recognize is nad nut

umm... *looks guiltily away*

copy kate
*phew* i remembered her url!

the malaysian dream girls made a late entrance

my princess leia wrist tag

with joel of youth malaysia

joel, sara, may leng, khai lee and i
sara was the friend that dave teman-ed to the party. she was soo gorgeous, i didnt dare to talk to her :S

kenny sia literally arrived with a bang. (im lazy to link him. besides, u must live under a rock if u dont already know his url -_-")
i was having my dinner (or something) when i heard a loud crash. i turned and saw kenny sia walking in with his luggage. the crash came from his luggage when it accidentally fell.

although visibly exhausted, he was still so chatty and outgoing.

he even stripped don to his boxers!

liang attempting to censor him. LOL~

nah, the clearest pic i have.

then the msian dreamgirls were invited onto the stage

blue haze

pink haze

yay! a clear photo!

i was attempting to take a pic of nadia, but kenny got in the way.

ta da! i think she looks a little like audrey
hmm... it must be the hair =p

i see you!

valerie from singapore
bloggers were chosen to go up on stage, and they had to imitate the poses of the msian dreamgirl concerned.

blogger, dream girl, blogger, dream girl

another photo =p

and another...



i thought she mite like some of her onstage photos (eventhough they're of such bad quality -_-")

IMHO sometimes, the bloggers and dreamgirls couldnt be differentiated...

the friendly, cheerful linora... whom i used to think was a guy coz her nick was aronil *paiseh*

dreamgirls with kenny


i was trying to take a picture of ming and tim with the cake, but liang kept moving...

and moving...

gawd, keep still! LOL~

super zoom

nuffies busy at work

presenting su ann with tokens of appreciation... that she totally deserved :)


then it was getting late, so the prizes were announced:

valerie with her chipster pillowcases

tim n ming with the present that the nuffies gave them...

and forced them to wear onstage

embarassed but happy... LOL!

tim saying: "take a good look at this group, as of tomorrow, they are unemployed!"
at this point, i began to feel the fatigue...
so i went to sit at the back...

and camwhored!

originally, these pictures were really dark...

but i discovered a godsend, called "adjust midtones" LOL!!!

han solo & princess leia
his real name is shaun

he was like so layan me

he must have been thinking what a shameless camwhore i was. lol~
after seeing me camwhore...

nah, for u all to cuci mata =p

money being thrown into the air!
nah, it was actually nuffnang currency =p
it was used to redeem stuff like a blog plug from kenny sia or a kiss from dawn yang

theinfamous dawn yang

lotsa of pics of her for all uperverts readers =p

the guy who won the bid for her kiss

they made him strip off his shirt

here it comes...


nad nut won the bid for kenny's blog plug and also a camera

kenny happily doing unmentionable stuff with the nuffnang currency =p

she is so so pretty! i love her features!

nah, with flash so that u can see her more clearly =p

*ahem* he's actually pretty cute under that mask =p *hopes he didnt read that*

i wanted to talk more to her, but shy :(

picture of the "popular people", taken by the sad loser =p


singaporean bloggers going home... or rather to the hotel =p

with kid chan... more pics here!

valerie, the chipster girl!

was trying to take a pic with smashpop (jason), but kenny accidentally walked past...
*sigh* its soo hard to take a pic with him coz he's always mobbed by ppl, but when im not even trying to take a pic with him, he enters the pic -_-"

thats better :D

with alwyn tay... i wonder if he knows i once bidded for his undies. (long story, dont ask =p)

the famous kenny!

the one and only =p

dawn yang was being interviewed, and im pretty sure tim saw me taking this picture...

a pic with su ann!
she was so sooo busy the entire night, so i only dared to ask for a picture with her after the event was over =p

a pic with dawn yang!!
her voice is so sweet :D
but why oh why, of all pics, i must look obese in THIS one??? *fumes*

and my new bear :D

quiet julian
he's an anthropologist *checks google* =p



cutie samatha
yes, eric and nicholas are definitely related =p
then simon and i headed to pavilion where the rest already were, to yumcha. (wah, damn atas, go coffee bean yumcha. i usually go mamak only. *hangs head in shame* =p)

we crossed the bridge...

1st time i entered pavilion

linora, pam song and yat chatting...

pam song

she's so beautiful!
summore her complexion damn nice!
*feels inferior*
here are all the cards i collected that night:

it may not be alot to u, but its alot to me!
im not used to receiving name cards. not yet working mar! =p

camwhoring with my new bear in my REAL pjs =p
thanks nuffnang!
and thanks simon for giving it to me :D

i have free movie passes and you dont!
feel free to grab any pics, but do lemme know when you do! :)
and so the evening wore on...
some of the pics i have of the ongoings on the stage are really bad coz of the colouring, and they're also mostly rather blur, and i know rubbish about photoshop, so i cant fix them. bear with me =p
liang working the crowd
im so so sorry, but i lost their urls :(
its because i was saving all the urls into txt msges. but this round of urls, i forgot to save before replying my friend's sms, so i lost all the urls. i know, im such a genius -_-"
if any of u know their urls, pls lemme know :)
ming n timothy giving their speeches
the nuffnang crew
*sigh* i know my pics are crappy, but still i'll post 'em up coz I took them =p
i met dave at the party!
he doesnt blog at all, but he was the guest of his friend that does blog.
people upstairs
random picture
he's from swak too!
may leng AKA doink
umm... i kinda lost their urls too :(
i was just walking past them group of guys, then i suddenly felt brave and said hi to one of them and soon got all their urls. *feels proud of spontaneous courage*
but i lost the urls anyway :(
the only one i recognize is nad nut
umm... *looks guiltily away*
copy kate
*phew* i remembered her url!
the malaysian dream girls made a late entrance
my princess leia wrist tag
with joel of youth malaysia
joel, sara, may leng, khai lee and i
sara was the friend that dave teman-ed to the party. she was soo gorgeous, i didnt dare to talk to her :S
kenny sia literally arrived with a bang. (im lazy to link him. besides, u must live under a rock if u dont already know his url -_-")
i was having my dinner (or something) when i heard a loud crash. i turned and saw kenny sia walking in with his luggage. the crash came from his luggage when it accidentally fell.
although visibly exhausted, he was still so chatty and outgoing.
he even stripped don to his boxers!
liang attempting to censor him. LOL~
nah, the clearest pic i have.
then the msian dreamgirls were invited onto the stage
blue haze
pink haze
yay! a clear photo!
i was attempting to take a pic of nadia, but kenny got in the way.
ta da! i think she looks a little like audrey
hmm... it must be the hair =p
i see you!
valerie from singapore
bloggers were chosen to go up on stage, and they had to imitate the poses of the msian dreamgirl concerned.
blogger, dream girl, blogger, dream girl
another photo =p
and another...
i thought she mite like some of her onstage photos (eventhough they're of such bad quality -_-")
IMHO sometimes, the bloggers and dreamgirls couldnt be differentiated...
the friendly, cheerful linora... whom i used to think was a guy coz her nick was aronil *paiseh*
dreamgirls with kenny
i was trying to take a picture of ming and tim with the cake, but liang kept moving...
and moving...
gawd, keep still! LOL~
super zoom
nuffies busy at work
presenting su ann with tokens of appreciation... that she totally deserved :)
then it was getting late, so the prizes were announced:
valerie with her chipster pillowcases
tim n ming with the present that the nuffies gave them...
and forced them to wear onstage
embarassed but happy... LOL!
tim saying: "take a good look at this group, as of tomorrow, they are unemployed!"
at this point, i began to feel the fatigue...
so i went to sit at the back...
and camwhored!
originally, these pictures were really dark...
but i discovered a godsend, called "adjust midtones" LOL!!!
han solo & princess leia
his real name is shaun
he was like so layan me
he must have been thinking what a shameless camwhore i was. lol~
after seeing me camwhore...
nah, for u all to cuci mata =p
money being thrown into the air!
nah, it was actually nuffnang currency =p
it was used to redeem stuff like a blog plug from kenny sia or a kiss from dawn yang
lotsa of pics of her for all u
the guy who won the bid for her kiss
they made him strip off his shirt
here it comes...
nad nut won the bid for kenny's blog plug and also a camera
kenny happily doing unmentionable stuff with the nuffnang currency =p
she is so so pretty! i love her features!
nah, with flash so that u can see her more clearly =p
*ahem* he's actually pretty cute under that mask =p *hopes he didnt read that*
i wanted to talk more to her, but shy :(
picture of the "popular people", taken by the sad loser =p
singaporean bloggers going home... or rather to the hotel =p
with kid chan... more pics here!
valerie, the chipster girl!
was trying to take a pic with smashpop (jason), but kenny accidentally walked past...
*sigh* its soo hard to take a pic with him coz he's always mobbed by ppl, but when im not even trying to take a pic with him, he enters the pic -_-"
thats better :D
with alwyn tay... i wonder if he knows i once bidded for his undies. (long story, dont ask =p)
the famous kenny!
the one and only =p
dawn yang was being interviewed, and im pretty sure tim saw me taking this picture...
a pic with su ann!
she was so sooo busy the entire night, so i only dared to ask for a picture with her after the event was over =p
a pic with dawn yang!!
her voice is so sweet :D
but why oh why, of all pics, i must look obese in THIS one??? *fumes*
and my new bear :D
quiet julian
he's an anthropologist *checks google* =p
cutie samatha
yes, eric and nicholas are definitely related =p
then simon and i headed to pavilion where the rest already were, to yumcha. (wah, damn atas, go coffee bean yumcha. i usually go mamak only. *hangs head in shame* =p)
we crossed the bridge...
1st time i entered pavilion
linora, pam song and yat chatting...
pam song
she's so beautiful!
summore her complexion damn nice!
*feels inferior*
here are all the cards i collected that night:
it may not be alot to u, but its alot to me!
im not used to receiving name cards. not yet working mar! =p
camwhoring with my new bear in my REAL pjs =p
thanks nuffnang!
and thanks simon for giving it to me :D
i have free movie passes and you dont!
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