so lets start at the beginning shall we :)
on saturday, i woke up slightly after 3pm and started panicking. i had a rushed lunch and hopped into the shower. just when i'd stepped out of the shower, simon called me, telling me that he was already here. i panicked even more and started throwing stuff into my bag. i figured that i would get ready at BBC (borneo baruk club) itself.
so i ran down and into the car. simon was so kind that he didnt reprimand me at all for his having to wait.
when we got there, one of the 1st few ppl we met was timothy tiah himself!
we're both wearing blue! :D
see the just showered hair and no-makeup-at-all face? T.T
the bar!
i always love their posters!
(although i have a feeling that they dont call it a poster. they have another name for it, i just cant rmbr right now.)
then i met robb!
the guy who sent out all the invites :D
he looks like an anime character doncha think? hehe~
after snapping a few shots, i thought it was high time i got myself presentable.
so ventured off to the loo. there, i discovered 2 nuffies!
a french maid and a police woman! RAWR!
(goodness, i nvr felt more conservatively dressed. LOL!)
in the middle of the toilet area were these sinks
the toilet cubicles sorta surrounded the sinks in the middle.
very hard to describe exactly how the area looked like, but it was unisex and very cool =p
as i was snapping pics of the toilet area...
liang popped out of one of the cubicles in his pjs!
he was the mc of the night, and an amazing one at that.
so i proceeded to get ready. oh ya, yat caught me curling my lashes *paiseh*
after putting on my contacts, curling my lashes and cursing myself for not bringing eyeliner and a comb, i decided that i was as presentable as i was gonna be, and went to get registered.
there was now, slightly more ppl than before
kenny choo
i was damn thick faced lor! i saw him taking a picture of the registration booth, then i stuck a peace sign into the picture. luckily he didnt get mad. note to self: must not be so impulsive!
simon helped me take thse:
with flash
oh look, there's robb again!
simon being an extremely happy guy
oh... naughty schoolgirl! another nuffie.
she was giving away gift bags!
my gift bag
the contents
too bad mine got taken by someone else :(
now i'll never get to read whats inside the lil booklet in the bag :(
the club was filling up fast
curryegg (kelly tan) and her guest jane
another pic, this time with simon
the super nice-to-talk-to and friendly guys
akira, johnny ong, dominic
hwei ming
he's another super friendly guy :)
his royal highness (david) hehe~
love his quilt! his grannie made it for him :)
with peter and Jan
she is super sweet! every time i happened to need someone to help me take my picture with another blogger, she would pop up! thanks so much :D
nicholas of nuffnang
definitely the chattier brother =p
camwhoring with jan!
loved the lights
wonder if thats considered a chandelier... if it is, then its one huge-ass chandelier!
the lights could change!
i wanted to take a pic with him, but he looked soo busy. oh wells...
david lian
the chipster man!
with the uber friendly-although-silently-suffering-from-headache yipguseng
and cool sue
he won the macbook! *jealous*
ok, thats it for this post!
catch me later! =p
ahhh!! i almost forgot i made my appearance in this photo!! :D
gonna steal it ar~~ thanks ^^
Now that you've mentioned it, Robb does look like a character in Anime. Lol.
I'll passed you the booklet la next time we meet.
yipguseng: grab any photo u want ;)
simon: so anime rite?? LOL!!! thanks! :D
bad genes don't make it to nuffnang..
that one damn
but i like...
ah, the pajama party. I so wish I could go as well.
hello amy... hehe.. happy reading about pajama party.. miss it.... Keep in touch oh.. ;)
i saw u at the sink right at the beginning but didnt interrupt yr precious touch up session ... hehe
ji yuan: haha~ me too!
waiseng: i thought i asked u about it before?
curry egg: definitely! and i miss it too!
johnny ong: opps! *shy*
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