i think i met more people this week than i'd normally meet in months!
on tuesday we went to watch the preview of spiderwick
we met up with shaz and the rest at nandos
me, justin n karen
group pic!
i'd list out the names, but im horrible with names :(
i think i can barely rmbr half.
oh well, i think it must be age catching up with me, since according to jean louis, im twenty freaking six years old. i swear that boy is suicidal *glare* =p
the movie was awesome :D
but dont ask me, im horribly biased coz im a huge fan of fantasy =p
while waiting for justin to pay for the tix, we did some camwhoring in the carpark...
she likes to be flashed...
but i always prefer pics without flash =p
(wth, y do i look so stunted!!!)
and again!
then we met up with the rest at a mamak in bangsar.
*sigh* the 1st time im in bangsar and im in a mamak instead of all those fancy boutiques!!! where is the justice in the world???
gary n satkuru
the name satkuru damn cool rite! it sounds so jap! then we kept calling him kuru-san. hope we didnt annoy him... ure not annoyed rite? rite?? ^.^
i shall digress abit, OMG there is this super damn delicious smell wafting into my room!!! i have no idea which neighbour its from or if its from the shops. this smell is EVIL! it knows i havent had lunch and its trying to make me ravenous! except that the smell is sweet like some kinda dessert... which makes it even more evil coz its trying to make me skip lunch and go straight to dessert! Noooo... *willpower* i shall finish this post even if i die of hunger! muahaha~
sitting: justin, karen, me (i think i was laughing)
dancing: ah mai & justin (yes, they share the same name)
pro ppl with pro cams
with jean louis, he's part french!
i have a confession, everytime is call his name, i hesitate coz the whats about to pop out of my mouth is "jean paul" coz of jean paul gaultier. whoops!
wtf, im damn kao poser
clockwise, starting from me, shaz, jean louis, justin
ah mai n justin
they're hilarious
according to justin im from taiwan n i came here shipped in a box. i can speak english coz there was an english book inside the box. and im studying law coz the book happened to be a law book. ok, it doesnt sound so funny here, but it was super funny when we were talking!
and gary was laughing AT us instead of WITH us :(
oh well, at least we were entertaining. haha~
karen's turn to be a poser
satkuru n wai seng
me with ah mai n justin
oh ya, they were both from taylors too!
i thought ah mai was familiar and i said so. then justin started saying that it was "my line" (as in pickup line)
but he really was familiar coz he was in my LAN class when i was in SAM. so there! =p
candid pics of me are so unflattering :(
but the mamak looks cool. haha~
shaz punked us that jean louis was his cousin and we (at least I did) really believed him -_-"
we were'nt ready!
clockwise from me again coz im the centre of the universe (wtf)
me, gary, karen, satkuru, gary
pro at work
thats chris on the right
its thanks to him that we got the tix!
i thought he looked familiar too and said so. then hearing me say that someone was familiar the 2nd time, justin was convinced it was "my line" -_-"
but he was seriously familiar! im sure i saw him on someones blog or something. chis... i dont even have a "line" and if i did it wouldnt be soo lame ok! =p
stash of freebies from shaz!
when he opened his boot, he was suddenly transformed to santa. LOL~
the next day, we watched dr seuss' horton hears a who
both sides of the tix
no group photo this time, but we went mamak again.
me n my ais kacang
justin trying to hide. LOL!
i dont have pics of the rest, they're in jon ming's iphone.
oh ya, i played with an iphone!!! i even camwhored with it. wtf
i expected it to be frustrating to use, but it was surprisingly easy. heck, even a noob like me can figure it out! err.. but not all the functions la. haha~
thanks to shaz n chris for everything! :D
waaahh how he get so much free stuff?
mmm delicious shirt
just to let you know, its been 24 hours so the "customized song" deal is officially off. Start saying "noooooooo...!" now *evil laugh* *evil laugh*
eeep! spiderwick not out here yet. still a long time to go :X
cherie: he's a radio dj ;) click his link!
iwan: u didnt state a time limit!!! thats cheating!!! i still havent found a song! *stress*
san: aww... it was a premier, so we watched it a bit earlier than its release. but there are tons of February movies that i've missed!!!
That place looks like Pelita in Bangsar. I go there for lunch sometime when doing night shift.
i think thats what its called, i didnt order any food there tho. any suggestions?
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