the promotion was by "pull and bear". all we had to do was fill in our details and take 3 photos. the best photo would be printed out and given back to us. then, we had to bring our photo to "pull and bear" to redeem a limited edition shirt :D
besides that, all photos would be automatically entered into a competition, where the photo which best represents the spirit of "pull and bear" will be chosen. there are 3 prizes, but i cant remember the exact details =p
and unlike most other competitions where they take one shot of u and thats it, if the photo is crap, too bad; they allowed us to take 3 shots, and the best one would be chosen :D
how great is this, not only am i given a free shirt, i can even do my favourite sport (camwhoring is a sport ok! what do u know =p) shamelessly in front of passerbys, for a legitimate reason!
"pull and bear" is a Brazilian brand that just reached our shores recently, their outlets can be found in 1u and pavillion -just a little trivia i received from the guy in charge of the promotion ;)
ta da!
IMHO, its a nice picture, but it doesnt stand out the way a winning picture should. oh well, there go my chances of winning cash!
i know i've mentioned this before, but i really love the top im wearing :D
it says : "you belong in fantasyland if you think you can be with me"
my momma got it for me during our trip to disneyland in hong kong last year! *grins*
the moment i saw the pic, i thought "hmm.. we already have edward scissorhands. But now we have amy longhands"
*cabut..! dun wan to dieee!*
i like that shirt very very muuuuch. ur mom's cool. let her know that.
iwan: chis! but i'll take that as a compliment that i have long limbs! muahaha~
samantha: she knows it already! she's even the fan of some singer in china and follows that singer's updates regularly on the net! 0.o
bebi where you get that blaadi shirt from (4x)
ai gaadit from mai maamah! (189x)
ps: ur mum rocks lar
You got the T-shirt already?
iwan: *huge sweat sign* HAHA~
simon: yup! :D
i'll inform the new sports minister that u cld be a good candidate for the camwhoring competition
johnny: HAHAHA! check out my CNY pics (especially day 1), u will faint =p
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