we were all psyched because we were gonna try out stuff that we hadnt ordered before :D
coz usually we stick to the roti-s such as roti hawaii and roti ayam, but this time we tried the nasi goreng-s.
karen brought her cam and well... u get the picture (pun intended! =p)
its late, so more pics n less words :)
the dork says hi :)
karen n charmaine
resh, karen n char
actually they were just testing out the lighting in this photo =p
the lighting was good, so they chased me off and sat at my seat :(
wherever i am, the lighting is good! =p
my nasi goreng lamb chop ($13)
resh's nasi goreng maryland
karen's nasi goreng chicken chop
opps, dunno where the pic with char's nasi goreng napoleon went...
this pic is wierd... im not sure why though...
ta da! her's was the most expensive... $15
greedy ppl...
pink panther
char n resh ordered this.
its delicious and consists of everything pink! definitely a girls drink =p
they all finished eating and started camwhoring...
i told u im a slow eater!
i finally finished!
so asyik with her drink...
then i got hold of the cam!
i like the effect, with the motion in the background =p
charmaine n resh's fingers
then mine joins in on the fun!
now its only resh n i... guess which hand/finger belongs to who! haha~
then they wanted me to mimic karen's pose...
very obviously not candid, but quite similar, considering that i didnt get a glimpse of the photo prior to posing =p
ok, gtg to bed!
Resh looks cute.. She still available? hahahahahaahahaa =p
david: hmm... maybe i should start a matchmaking service. LOL!
yes she is, but u'll have to get in line, and boy is the queue long! =p
no fun one =(
nvm, recommend me to her! hahaahahaha =D
LOL! wtf
whhhaaaaattttt.... hehehehehe =D
I'm not desperate k =p lol
hahaha... i know la =p
lol, so tolong yea hahahhaha..
i asked her, she says ure not her type. sorry :(
OMG lol, i was anxious to see why you had 8 comments for this post. Maybe there was something i missed. Rupa-rupanya kamu berdua saja. HAHA!
And wow, you actually asked and she even answered? You didn't tell her about his boxers or DSLR, did you? :P
Maryland = Chicken, Lambchop = Lamb, Napoleon = OMG! Haha..
p.s. And how do furry pink animals taste like blended?
Wah, you eat quite a lot for someone your size.
LOL if you didn't realise I was actually just kidding you know! Hahahahaha
I didn't know you would really ask! Now my name tarnished already sob sob....
usws - eh, dun give amy funny funny ideas k! =p
usws: HAHAHA~ actually, she saw his comments =p
and furry pink animals actually taste pretty good! LOL~
simon seow: i'll take that as a compliment. lol!
david cheong: aww... well, she does read my blog u know... LOL!
hmm... i shall consider telling her about the funny poses u do in photographs too! eg. the kung fu one u did during the pyjama party... muahaha~
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