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all ready to go!
me & chump
my mum gave me these earrings for my previous birthday :)
click here to read about them
super adorable lil cousin -also super naughty!
the hand with the peace sign belongs to his slightly older bro.
cold dish
kids table
explanation: for our generation, the 1st few babies were female and i'm the youngest female. all subsequent babies were male. hence a male-only kids table. i had to sit with the adults. how boring! =p
look at the erect tail! (it IS a tail ok!)
i love i love i love!!!
there were more dishes, but i didnt take all of them coz the adults started teasing me T.T
pau-s with a whole lot of food colouring!
birthday cake
if im not mistaken, its the oreo cheesecake from secret recipe.
it was pretty good, but im amy. almost ALL cakes taste good to me -_-"
my lovely cousin, diana
she's so fair and tall! *jealous*
~huffing and puffing~
a very skewed shot -_-"
they look soooo alike rite???
do we look alike?
the food colouring was too scary, so i peeled the skin off.
me, diana and hung rong (her bro)
*feels short*
roy! one of my fave guy cousins!
*feels even shorter now*
(yes, i know the lighting sucks, but hung rong insisted on taking the pic -_-")
does my dress look old school to you?
it used to belong to roy's mum when she was about my age :D
i love hand-me-downs! i know im wierd =p
(sorry for the blur photo)
one of the reasons that i love this dress so much is coz it's really unique.
the straps are not attached to the back of the dress, there are two loops at the back of the dress that u thread the straps through. so i can play around with the straps, wearing it like in the picture, crossing it into and "x" then looping it through the loops, or as a halter! cool huh? =p
chump fooling around as i camwhore =p
all dressed up!
1st thing one must do once u reach the venue... go to the toilet and camwhore b4 ur make-up gets smudged or u start to look messy!
umm, i should have warned u earlier, but if ure a regular reader (as if i have that many -_-"), then i think u would already know that this whole post is gonna have my face all over it. but if ure not, consider yourself warned!
i think i look wierd in this pic -_-"
but nvm la, cant have pics of me smiling all the time =p
sarawak club
ohh... auction!
me n mummy!
cant i have 2 pictures that are almost exactly the same?
they put these envelopes onto all the tables to encourage more donations
after sitting down for
*sigh* why cant i be like other young ladies who sit still and make meaningless small talk?
im very bad at small talk, i always dunno wad to say. then i'll start crapping and sound terribly unintelligent -_-"
its so much more productive to camwhore anyway =p
no, they're not exactly the same, i just couldnt decide which one i liked better =p
nah, i didnt actually go up.
i bet there's nothing interesting there anyway
wierd pose
then we were afraid the dinner had started, so we went back.
but it hadnt started yet.
as i mentioned earlier, this was a charity dinner, so the entertainment was done by volunteers.
all those ppl on the instruments and singing up there, are people with full-time jobs, who took the effort to practice after hours, to perform for free while everyone else is eating. highly commendable.
bored in between dishes
taken with my cam below table level so that it wouldnt be so obvious =p
dont we all just love posing with glasses? :D
sharks fin soup (if im not mistaken)
hey, this happened over a month ago ok!
but i do rmbr that it was yummy! =p
cod fish (i think)
whatever it is, i shall take the chance to express how much i love cod fish.
especially when its full of fish fat. ohhhh *swoons*
fish fat is healthy ok! full of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids!
the dinner program
then halfway thru
matching shades of red!
we didnt plan it, it was a coincidence! :D
i dunno why the picture looks like it was foggy or something. maybe it was the mirror. but i dont recall it being smudged... :S
oh, it gets interesting now!
when we came out of the loo, we saw a long line of handsome guys!
i was trying to take as many pics as i could without looking too sakai. then the guy in the purple/pink shirt saw me and nudged his frens.
then they all kindly posed!
but i bet they were all so used to it la... "mr international" contestants mar.
lemme elaborate. they were all contestants in a male pageant called "mr international". supposedly, it was a pageant to promote tourism and what-not, but i suspect its just an excuse for a male beauty pageant. =p
they were there that night as the models of a mini fashion show that the charity dinner was hosting.
anyways, after taking the picture above, we had to go back inside if not it would have been kinda awkward -_-"
the 3rd person from the left is my dad's fren.
he dedicated a song to his wife. (cue to "awwww...")
i forgot what the title of that song was, but it was an uber romantic song! and he has a very nice voice!
some kinda herbal chicken dish that chinese restaurants always serve.
i forgot to take a picture before everyone started digging in *paiseh*
but it was really good! coz usually the meat of the chicken will be dry despite all the gravy around it, but this chicken was juicy! i like!
the famous sarawak club butter prawns
they presented this veiled picture to a VIP.
it was a picture of him and his wife!
done by the guy furthest right (the aforementioned guy who sang to his wife), he's an artist :)
pork ribs (i think)
a student from china, studying in swinburne (in the white tux)
im very biased, i always think guys who wear white tuxedos look more dashing =p
a veggie dish with tofu skin
at this point, i was bored outta my wits and when im bored during dinners, i tend to drink alot of tea. so i had to go to the loo again.
at the entrance of the restaurant, the contestants were still there! this time, unlike before, they were no longer milling about chatting with each other, they were all lined up ready to model. they lined the entire entrance.
i tell u, that was the most stressful walk out of a restaurant ever! imagine walking through a hallway filled with handsome young male beauty contestants, who had nothing better to do than just STARE at passer-bys. i felt so so so shy!!! (yes, i can feel shy one ok!) i kept telling myself to hold my head up and try not to look at any of them in the eye!
even worse, when i came back, the fashion show was just beginning, so everyone was looking towards the entrance. i didnt want to cross the area, back towards my table coz everyone would think i was part of the fashion show (WTH) so all i could do was stand opposite the guys and watch them strut one-by-one towards the stage.
i was cursing myself for not bringing my cam with me!
as i stood there, i realised (while i was painfully standing erect and sucking my huge tummy in) that i had no reason to be nervous. i wasnt in a beauty pageant, i was just an ordinary ugly person. so i began to relax and also notice that some of them were quite nervous! so as it reached their turn, i gave some of them an encouraging smile and... they smiled back!!! *knees turn to jelly and amy morphs into a simpering fool*
only when they were all onstage did i dare to venture back to my seat. so the following pics were taken from my seat.
sorry for the blur-ness, they were walking too fast!
the guy from just now!
it must be fate lar that every clear shot i have has to have him in it -_-"
summore i found out later on that he eventually won the contest!
btw, he's mr brazil!
cute mr taiwan
but the pic is blur :(
several shots of all of them. click to enlarge.
girls, u may stop drooling now. thats all the pics i have of them. =p
chinese pancake!
i love this dessert!
(how could i forget what this place is called! if anyone recognizes this place, tell me the name of it! its at padungan)
my mum gave me these for xmas
they're from eugenie chan too.
might dedicate a post about them next time :)
if u look closely, both of them are different. she makes no two exactly the same :D
its made from silver and citrine beads
trying to influence chump to become a camwhore too!
mummy n daddy
chis, i asked daddy to smile and he made a face instead -_-"
dad's finished salad
his fried rice
mum's kueh tiaw soup
chump and his chicken fillet
he also had cheese and ham baked rice.
my lamb shank
it wasnt very good... i think they overcooked it.
i couldnt finish it and gave to my bro to finish. he eats like a whale and still remains skinnier than me. hate him! summore he's so tall... hate him even more! :(
my fried ice-cream!
i think i'll be back for this!
my grannie and i took the same flight back to kl.
she went to stay in my uncles condo near pwtc, while i went back to damansara.
i havent seen her since :(
i was supposed to go visit them during weekends, but i always had something else to do.
will definitely go to see them after CNY!
airasia has a free seating policy which always results in long queues that begin half-an-hour before departure time.
ppl ahead of us
even more ppl behind us
we can now pre-book food! :D
and thats all the pics i had left!
*phew* this post took me longer than i expected to finish it.
hope none of u came at 10pm and were disappointed! :)